

What is Captan?

Captan is a fungicide, that belongs to the phthalimide class (chemical compounds bound to ammonia). It is non-systemic and is often added to other pesticide formulations. Captan was registered by the EPA in 1951. It is used for agriculture and residential applications on fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Captan improves the appearance of fruit. Captan is the active ingredient in Bonide Captan Fungicide.

Where is Captan used?

The agricultural community utilizes Captan largely to control disease in apple production, but it is also used on fruits, vegetables, orchards, berries, ornamental plants, greenhouse food/feed crops, seed treatments, turf, and food crop packaging boxes. High doses of Captan can injure some varieties of apples, pears, lettuce seeds, celery, and tomato seeds. Captan is used in residential gardens and also on indoor non-food plants. Captan fungicide can be applied on its own, or mixed into a pesticide formulation.

How does Captan work?

Captan is a non-systemic fungicide meaning it is not absorbed into the plant. It creates a protective barrier on the surface of the leaves and fruit that prevents fungi from entering. Captan blocks the ability of fungus to produce energy which eliminates it over time.

How safe is Captan?

Captan is relatively safe for the environment since it is non-toxic to birds and bees. It breaks down in soil in 1-10 days and in water it only lasts hours. It rarely gets to the groundwater because it is stationary in soil. Captan is moderately toxic to shrimp and crab and highly toxic to fish. Always apply as directed using a mask and gloves, and wash thoroughly with soap after treatment. It may cause eye and skin irritation in humans and other mammals. The EPA has classified Captan as a probable human carcinogen.

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