
 What is Imazapyr ?
The active ingredient, imazapyr, is marketed in compounds by the trade names, TVC Total Vegetation Control, Assault, Chopper and Arsenal
Imazapyr (Arsenal , Chopper , Stalker, Assault , TVC Vegetation Control )Â is from the herbicide family imidazolinone, known as non-selective herbicides for control of weeds, broadleaved herbs, and woody species .Imazapyr was first registered under the commercial formulation of isopropylamine salt called Arsenal and Chopper. The herbicide is commonly found in two forms: weak acid and isopropylamine salt (49 percent water solution), although commercial products are almost solely the isopropylamine salt form
Mode of Action: · Imazapyr kills plants by preventing the synthesis of certain amino acids produced by plants but not animals. Thus · Imazapyr is an amino acid synthesis inhibitor and kills plants by inhibiting the production of the branched-chain aliphatic amino acids which are required for DNA synthesis and growth. · Treated plants usually die slowly.
Imazapyr by its nature does not distinguish between the plants it kills. Thus, rare and endangered plants are particularly at risk from exposure to the herbicide.