
Prodiamine as a pre-emergent herbicide
Prodiamine is used in general purpose herbicides. Prodiamone works as a pre-emergent control of grasses and broadleaf weeds. Pre-emergent herbicides prevent weed growth. By using it once a year, pre-emergents help control weeds. This type of herbicide does not kill the weed entirely.
Where to use Prodiamine
Prodiamine is a lawn friendly herbicide and tolerant on certain grasses. These grasses include both warm weather and cool weather grasses including St. Augustine, Fescue, Bermuda grass, Fescue and other common turf grasses.
Prodiamine is registered for weed control for home lawns, commercial nurseries, landscaping, Christmas tree farms, turf farms, golf courses, etc
Products containg Prodiamine
Prodiamine 65 WDG, Resolute 65 WG, Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate, and Bonide's Weed Beater Granules all contain prodiamine.
Chemical Type
Mode of Action
Prodiamine inihibits mitotic processes, plant cell growth is stunted, not able to grow.
Prodiamine Use
Prodiamine is registered for commercial use to control weeds in nurseries, landscaping, turf farms, Christmas tree farms, golf courses, and more. Prodiamine can also be safely used on certain types of desirable grasses without harming them, such as Bermudagrass, Fescue, St. Augustine and common turf grasses.
Do not overspray or apply Prodiamine to adjacent non-target areas. Apply drift control by observing weather conditions and following label instructions.
Toxicity to Humans
As with other heribicides and pesticides, prodiamone is harmful if absorbed through the skin. Care should be taken not to inhale it as well. Read the product label and follow directions for proper application. Do not use on food or feed crops.
- Weed Beater Complete Granules - 10 lbsSpecial Price $35.99 Regular Price $39.99