
Quinclorac Herbicides
Quinclorac Herbicides are selective herbicides that are used as post-emergent herbicides. Post-emergent herbicides are applied after the plant has emerged. Quinclorac's mode of action is a synthetic auxin. The herbicide Drive is well know as a Quinclorac, and was the first on the market
Quinclorac Usage
Quinclorac is found both in home and agricultural use. It may be used in industrial and residential turf grass, parks, sport fields, sod farms, and golf courses.
Mode Of Action
Quinclorac is a highly selective synthetic auxin, post-emergent herbicide.The auxins prestent are chemically similar to naturally occuring compounds found in plants and soil. By mimicking an auxin overdose, quinclorac affects the phytohormonal system in plants, stunting growth.
Which weeds are effected?
Quinclorac is a herbicide that is translocated in weeds. It controls many grass weeds and broadleaf weeds. It is known for its clover and crabgrass control ( their are some types of smooth crabgrass that may be resistant). It is also used in sequential applications with MSMA to limit kikuyugrass in warm season turf.
- Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass KillerSpecial Price $62.50 Regular Price $68.50
- Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz )Special Price $69.26 Regular Price $72.50