
Barricade 65 WG Herbicide

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Barricade 65 WG (10 lbs)
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Compare to Quali Pro's Prodiamine 65, Quali Pro's Prodiamine 65 is quite a bit more economical, with the same prodiamine 65.0%.

Product Information

Barricade 65 WG-10 lbs

Barricade 65 WG Herbicide, with prodiamine 65.0% is a pre-emergent water-dispersible granule herbicide for use in established turfgrass and other non-crop areas to control more than 30 weeds. This prodiamine product controls weeds such as crabgrass, barnyard grass, foxtails, chickweed, bluegrass, henbit, knotweed and more listed grassy and broadleaf weeds.

As a pre-emergent, Barricade 65 WG is applied before seeds germinate or the development of newly germinated seeds. Weeds that have already been established will not be touched by prodiam ine. Barricade 65 WG needs irrigation or rainfall of at least 0.5" within 14 days of application, to be most effective.

Compare to Quali Pro's Prodiamine 65, Quali Pro's Prodiamine 65 is quite a bit more economical, with the same prodiamine 65.0%.

Single or Sequential Applications

You may apply Barricade in a series of applications or as a single application. The higher rates on the label will give longer residue times. But Barricade with 65 WG, offers excellent residual control of crabgrass for three months even at the lower application rates, and at the highest rate, the crabgrass control is extended to 8 months.

May be used on the following turf grasses

Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, Kikuyugrass, Centipedegrass, St Augustine, Seashore Paspalum, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue (including turf-type), Buffalograss, Zoysiagrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Creeping Bentgrass (0.5 inches or more in height.

Application Rates

  • For most grassy and broadleaf weeds, use 0.4 oz per 1,000 sq ft., using at least 20 gallons of water per acre.
  • St Augustine grass uses the maximum rate of 0.36-0.83 oz. per 1,000 square feet.
  • See label for specific rates for all the listed weeds and grasses.
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
Target Pest Barnyardgrass, Bluegrass (annual), Carpetweed-04, Chickweed (common), Chickweed (mousear), Crabgrass (large and smooth), Crowfootgrass, Cup grass (woolly), Foxtails (annual), Goosegrass, Henbit, Itchgrass, Johnsongrass (seedling), Junglerice, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters (common), Lovegrass, Panicum (browntop, fall and Texas), Pigweed, Purslane (common), Pusley (Florida), Rescuegrass, Shepherdspurse, Signalgrass Broadleaf, Speedwell (Persian), Sprangletop, Spurge (prostate), Witchgrass, Woodsorrel (yellow, from seed). -
Active Ingredient(s) Prodiamine 65.0%
For Use In Established turfgrass(excludes golf course putting greens) , lawns, sod nurseries, container ornamentals, feild grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, conifer nurseries, seedling nurseries, rights of way, roadways, roadsides, railways, equipment yards, tank farms, pumping stations, parking areas, storage areas, ungrazed fence rows, and christmas tree farms.
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In NY

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