Get Rid Of A Millipede Infestation
Why am I getting millipedes in my house? We'll answer that and the fastest way to get rid of millipedes. These long, startling insects can be a nuisance when they invade your home. They can be challenging to eliminate, and sometimes their presence can even seem threatening.
This blog post will explore the fastest way to get rid of millipedes. We will also take a detailed look at how to prevent millipede infestations from happening in the first place.
Millipede Identification And Appearance
Millipedes are a category of animals known as arthropods, characterized by their long, segmented bodies. They belong to the class Diplopoda, which contains around 10,000 species of millipede. Most millipedes have bodies composed of many segments, each of which has two pairs of legs.
The legs of a millipede are used for walking and are not suitable for digging or swimming. The head has a pair of fairly short antennae, and the body is typically cylindrical in shape. Millipedes are generally slow-moving creatures and feed on decaying leaves and other organic matter.
The body of a millipede is covered in a hard exoskeleton, which protects the creature from predators and helps it to retain moisture. Millipedes can range in color from black to brown to red and are often decorated with stripes or patterns. Some millipede species can grow to over 30 cm in length, although most are much smaller.
Some species of millipede can release defensive chemicals when they are threatened. These chemicals can harm humans, so it is essential to be careful when handling millipedes. Millipedes are found in a very wide variety of habitats worldwide, and they play a crucial role in the decomposition of organic matter.
Millipedes can sometimes be found crawling on the exterior of your home, looking for a way in.
Inspect For Millipedes
If you suspect your home has a millipede infestation, there are a few things you can do to inspect your home and confirm your suspicions. First, walk around the perimeter of your home and look for any doors or windows that may be open or improperly sealed. Next, check for any cracks or crevices in the foundation or exterior walls. These areas can provide entry points for millipedes.
Finally, take a look at any damp areas in your home, such as basements or crawl spaces. Millipedes thrive in moist environments, so these are likely places to find them. By inspecting these key areas, you can confirm whether or not you have a millipede infestation.
Millipedes have two sets of legs per body segment. Centipedes only have 1 set per segment.
What Is The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Millipedes?
Liquid Insecticides
These are one the most effective ways of getting rid of millipedes quickly. We recommend Avesta CS, Cyper WSP, or Onslaught Insecticide. Spray all along the home's foundation and three feet up the exterior walls.
Treat doors, windows, and other entree points. Repeat this process every three months until you no longer experience millipede problems.
Insecticide Granules
Granular insecticides like Bifen LP Granules effectively treat heavily thatched turf areas or mulched flower beds. They also hold up during rainfall, making them a great addition to your liquid residual insecticide barriers. If you're finding many millipedes in your home, it's essential to treat these areas too.
These granules serve as a barrier around your house and may need to be applied continually during heavy infestation periods.
Aerosol Spot Treatments
For spot treatments, we highly recommend PT 221L Residual Insecticide Aerosol. This spray is excellent for hard-to-reach cracks and crevices because it is fitted with a specialized tip. In addition, PT 221L works well for small gaps around windows and doors.
Other Methods
If you've been searching for the fastest way to get rid of millipedes, there are a few options to consider. One is to vacuum them up with a shop vac. This will quickly remove them from your home, and they won't be able to escape back into your living space. Vacuum up the millipedes and discard them.
You can also try using boric acid, diatomaceous earth, or cayenne pepper. Just sprinkle these around the perimeter of your home and yard, and the millipedes will likely stay away.
When you want an all-natural pest control solution, some people have had success with using essential oils. For example, Peppermint oil is especially effective at deterring millipedes. Just add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and mist it around the areas where you've seen millipedes.
Whichever method you choose, getting rid of millipedes doesn't have to be a difficult task. With a little effort, you can quickly eliminate them from your home.
Sealing up cracks and crevices around your home is key to preventing millipedes from coming indoors.
Millipede Prevention
If millipedes are a problem, there are several steps that you can take to prevent them from returning. First, you can reduce millipede activity by removing any potential hiding places, such as plant material, piles of leaves, or wood. Firewood should be stored above the ground.
Millipedes are attracted to damp areas such as gardens, grass clippings, and even leaf litter. They are most active at night when they emerge from their hiding places to search for food. In addition, millipedes are attracted to moisture, so it is important to repair any leaks or areas of high humidity. Finally, deny their access to your home by sealing and caulking gaps around doors, siding, windows, wires, and pipes.
Have questions or aren't sure about the best approach to take for your home? We invite you to get in touch with our friendly pest control experts today!