
Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer

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Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer
Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer
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Easy to use shaker jug for small yards and ornamental beds. Pre-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds. Dozens of tolerant ornamentals listed. Non-staining. For northern and southern turf grass species. Depending on rate used, one application can

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If you are looking for a Dimension Pre-Emergent Weed Killer in a small package, look no more. This is a 4-pound jug that has the same ingredient as the Dimension products.

Product Information

Bonide Crabgrass & Weed Preventer w/Dimension-Shaker Bottle

Bonide's DuraTurf Crabgrass & Weed Preventer prevents weeds from sprouting as a pre-emergent. It will also control weeds in early growth stages (effective up to 4 weeks after germination of crabgrass).

Bonide's DuraTurf Crabgrass & Weed Preventer is a systemic pre-emergent herbicde  in a easy to use shaker jug for a smaller area of yards. It controls broadleaf and grassy weeds and may be used on both warm and cool season grasses.

This crabgrass and weed preventer contains Dimension and may be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass control products. It provides up to four months of crabgrass control.

Top Features

  • Use in lawns and in ornamental beds
  • Pre-emergent control of grassy and broadleaf weeds
  • Easy ot use shaker jug
  • For northern and southern lawns
  • Can last between 2-4 months
  • Lists dozens of tolerant ornamentals

Tips for Improved Weed Control

  • Apply a few days after mowing and delay mowing again for a few days after application
  • Activate this product by irrigation or rainfall. Performance is improved with 1/2 inch of rainfaill or sprinkler irrigation.
Amount of Bonide's Crabgrass and Weed Preventer to Apply
(Pounds of product to apply per 1,000 square feet of turfgrass
. ..........................Length of Crabgrass Control..........
Region of U. S 2-3 months 3-4 months Early Postermergence Control
North 1.1 lb/1,000 sq.ft 1.5 lb /1000 sq feet 1.9- 4.3 lb/ 1000 sq ft
South 1.6 lb/1000 sq ft 1.9-2.2 lb/1000 sq. feet 1.9- 4-3 lb 1000 sq ft
Packaging 4 lbs
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest Grassy and broadleaf weeds such as Crabgrass, barnyardgrass, annual bluegrass, brome, seedling dallisgrass, giant foxtail, yellow foxtail, goosegrass, kikuyugrass, wild oats, annual and perennial ryegrass, sandbur, bittercress, carpet weed, chickweed, henbit, prostrate knotweed, common lespedeza, marestail, black medic, mulberry weed, mustard, oxalis, pineappleweed, parsley-piert, redroot pigweed, common purslane, shepherdspurse, corn speedwell, garden spurge, prostrate spurge, spotted spurge, creeping woodsorrel and yellow woodsorrel, and others listed on the label.
Active Ingredient(s) Dimension (dithiopyr) - 0.27%
For Use In Cool-Season Grasses: Bentgrass, creeping; Fescue, tall; Bluegrass, Kentucky; Ryegrass, perennial; Fescue, fine Warm-Season Grasses: Bahiagrass; Carpetgrass; Zoysiagrass; Bermudagrass; Centipedegrass; Buffalograss; St. Augustingrass
Yield 1,000 square feet
Mixture May be applied both in spring time and fall time

Use Precautions for Turf

This product should be applied only to lawns and ornamental turfgrasses that are well established. For newly established lawns, initial application of this product should be made only after turfgrasses have developed a vigorous root system, uniform stand, and received at least two mowings following seeding, sodding, or sprigging.

Exception: In newly established lawns of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and/or tall fescue, this product may be applied two weeks after the first sign of germination.

  • Use of this product on lawns and ornamental turfgrasses that are not well established, or weakened by stress due to mechanical operations, pests, excessive temperatures, or lack of moisture may result in turfgrass injury.
  •  For best results, cultural practices that disturb the soil, such as core-, spike-, or hydro-aerification, and verticutting, should be done before application of this product. Do not apply this product until turfgrass has recovered from the mechanical injury caused by these cultural practices.
  • Reseeding, Overseeding, or Sprigging: Reseeding, overseeding, or sprigging of areas treated with this product within 10 weeks after a single application of this product or within 16 weeks after a split application program totaling 4.3 lb/1000 sq ft (0.5 lb active ingredient per acre) or more may inhibit the establishment of desirable turfgrasses. When reseeding or overseeding follow proper cultural practices for seedbed preparation, seeding, irrigation and fertilization.
Not Available for Purchase In AK, DC, HI

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