
Bonide Vine & Stump Out Killer

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Bonide Vine & Stump Out Killer
Bonide Vine & Stump Out Killer
Special Price $17.95 Regular Price $21.95
Total: $0.00

This Vine and Stump Killer works quickly to kill stumps and vines. It also kills some broadleaf weeds. It is used to control undesirable woody vines, plants, and broadleaf weeds. It is safe for lawns. Because this Vine & Stump killer has a quick uptake, it acts quickly.

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
You can apply Bonide Stump and Vine Killer undiluted to freshly cut stumps to keep them from sprouting new growth. The samemethod works for vines too.

Product Information

Bonide Vine & Stump Out Killer

This Vine and Stump Killer works quickly to kill stumps and vines. It also kills some broadleaf weeds. It is used to control undesirable woody vines, plants, and broadleaf weeds. As a selective herbicide, It is safe for lawns. Because this Vine & Stump killer has a quick uptake, it acts quickly.

Prevents Re-Sprouting

Bonide's Vine & Stump Out Killer is a concentrate solution that is used to prevent vines and stumps from sprouting. It is may be used around such places as, walkways, fences or homes.

Stump Treatment

It is suggested by label instructions to use Vine & Stump Out Killer undiluted to kill stumps. Apply directly to stumps with built in applicator..

Vine Control

For best results when treating such vines as poison oak, poison ivy, etc, that have grown on desirable plants, cut the vine first and brush on directly, undiluted. Do not touch desirable plants.

Foliar Spray

Mix 4-8 oz in one gallon of water to cover 500 square feet. Coverage will depend on the amount of foliage to be treated. Wet all leaves thoroughly.

Packaging N/A
Product Label Product Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest

Woody Plants, Vines and Broadleaf Weeds Controlled:  Alder, Arkansas rose, Arrowwood, Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Blackberry, Blackgum, Box elder Brazilian pepper,California rose Cascara, Ceanothus, Cherry, Chinquapin, Choke cherry, Cottonwood, Crataegus (hawthorn), Douglas fir, Dogwood, Elderberry, Elm, Hazel, Honeysuckle, Hornbeam, Kudzu, Locust, Madrone, Maples, Mesquite, Mimosa, Mulberry,Oaks Persimmon, Pine, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Poplar, Raspberr,y Salmonberry,Sassafras Scotch broom, Sumac, Sweetbay magnolia Sweetgum, Sycamore, Tanoak, Thimbleberry,Trumpet creeper ,Tulip poplar, Virginia creeper, Western hemlock, Willow Winged elm, Wild grape, and Wild rose

Perennial Broadleaf Weeds Controlled: Bindweed,Burdock, Canada thistle, Chicory, Clover, Curly dock, Dandelion, Field bindweed, Field horsetail rush, Henbit, Lambsquarter, Oxalis, Plantain, Ragweed, Smartweed, Spurge, Tansy ragwort, Vetch, Wild lettuce, and Wild violet.

Active Ingredient(s) 8.8% Triclopyr. (Selective Herbicide)
For Use In

Outside Residential Use: Homes, Cabins, Fences, Walkways, and Other Noncrop areas.

Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In AK, HI, VT
Special Price 17.95

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