
Cedarcide Tickshield Extra Strength Bug Spray

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Starting at $15.50

Grouped product items
Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Tickshield (Cedarwood- 4 oz)
Tickshield (Cedarwood- 4 oz)
Tickshield ( Cedarwood-Qt)
Tickshield ( Cedarwood-Qt)
Tickshield ( Lemongrass-Qt )
Tickshield ( Lemongrass-Qt )
Combo: 1 x Cedargrass-Qt + 1 x Lemongrass-Qt
Combo: 1 x Cedargrass-Qt + 1 x Lemongrass-Qt
Total: $0.00


  1. cedarwood outdoor bug control,  pt
  2. +
  3. Cedarcide Insect-repelling cedar granules
  4. +
  5. EcoVia CA Contact Aerosol
  6. +
  7. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
Total: $0.00
Bundle Price: $0.00
  • This item: Cedarcide Tickshield Extra Strength Bug Spray $0.00
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    Tickshield (Cedarwood- 4 oz)
    Tickshield ( Cedarwood-Qt)
    Tickshield ( Lemongrass-Qt )
    Combo: 1 x Cedargrass-Qt + 1 x Lemongrass-Qt
  • Cedarcide Outdoor Bug Control Concentrate- PT (Cedarwood) $45.00
  • Cedarcide Cedarwood Granules $44.50
  • EcoVia CA Contact Aerosol $24.99
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50

Product Information

Tickshield Extra-Strength Bug Spray is an ideal non-toxic spray for people or around the home. It also may be sprayed on gear and animals weighing over 20 pounds. It kills and repels fleas, ticks, mites, ants, mosquitoes, scorpions, wasps, and roaches.

Manufacturer: Cedarcide

How To Spray Tickshield Extra

  • For People: People should apply the spray to their skin and clothing every 5-7 hours or when needed. Use your hands to avoid eye and mouth contact to apply to the face.
  • For Dogs and Horses: Coat your dog or horse lightly with a mist of Tickshield, paying particular attention to their underbelly, ears, and tail. Then, gently massage it into their skin, using your hands around their face to avoid their eyes and mouth. Apply the solution every 2-4 days or more frequently if needed. Note: Tickshield is not intended for animals that weigh under 20 lbs.
  • For Indoor Use: A weekly application of this product can help prevent infestations of bugs on flooring, furniture, countertops, pet areas, fabrics, and more. Alternatively, it can be sprayed directly onto any already present bugs.
  • For Gear: Mist items such as backpacks, tents, and hammocks are suggested when necessary or daily as needed.
  • Specifications
    Packaging 4 oz and Qts- Cedarwood or Lemongrass
    Product Label N/A
    Safety Data Sheet N/A
    More PDF's N/A
    Target Pest

    Fleas, ticks, mites, ants, mosquitoes, scorpions, wasps, and roaches.

    Active Ingredient(s) Tickshield (Cedarwood): Cedarwood Oil (20%) | Tickshield (Lemongrass) : Lemongrass Oil (5%) Cedarwood Oil (7%)
    For Use In

    People, Dogs, Horses, Livestock (over 20 lbs), around your home, and gear.

    Yield N/A
    Mixture N/A
    Not Available for Purchase In N/A

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