Target Pest |
Algae, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Copper Spot, Dicondra, Leaf Spot Dollar, Spot Fairy Ring, Gray Leaf Spo,t Leaf Spot, Melting Out, Pink Patch, Powdery Mildew, Pythium Blight, Pythium Root Rot, Damping Off Red, Thread, Rust, Snow Mold, Southern Bligh,t Spring Dead Spot, Summer Patch, Take-All Patch, Zoysia Patch, Bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, annual blugrass, fescue, ryegrass, bermudagrass, St. Augustine grass, zoysiagrass and more listed on the label. |
For Use In |
For the control of foliar, stem and root diseases in turf and ornamentals. For commercial production and in landscape areas around residential, municipal and commercial properties, field grown ornamentals and ornamentals in greenhouses, interiorscapes and other enclosed structures. |
More Instructions |
Application Guidelines:
Uniform application is necessary to provide good disease control. Calibrate granule application equipment before use.
Use Directions for Turf:
Fame G Fungicide may be used but not limit to Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Annual Bluegrass, Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Zoysiagrass, St Augustinegrass to control many important diseases in turf. Use Fame G Fungicide as you practice healthy turf management, such as water, thatch, and nutrient managment as well as judiscious use of pesticides.
For use in the establishment of turfgrass from seed or in overseeding of dormant turfgrass:
- Fame G Fungicide may be used for control of certain turfgrass diseases associated with turfgrass establishment from seed.
- Fame G Fungicide may also be used during overseeding of dormant turfgrass.
- Application of Fame G Fungicide may be done at seedling germination or before or after seeding and any seed emergence to ryegrass, bentgrass, fescue, bluegrass and other turfgrasses.
- Optimum application timing for control of seedling diseases is just before, during or just after seeding.
Directions for Application to Ornamentals:
Us Fame G Fungicide to control certain pathogens that cause root, foliar, and stem diseases of ornamentals. It is labeled to apply to plants growing in benches, flats, beds, and containers in shade houses, greenhouses, retail nurseries, interiorscapes, outdoor nurseries, field plantings, public, commercial and residential landscape areas.
Fame Granular Fungicide may be applied to control:
- Foliar
- Soilborne
- Seedling
- Crown Diseases
Healthy roots are necessary to optimize product uptake, so apply prior to infection. It is not recommended to make surface applications on crops that have been watered through subsurface or flood irrigation systems./p>
Restrictions and Other Informations:
- It is labeled to not exceed 880 lb (2.2 lb ai) of Fame G Fungice per acre per year, or no more than 5.7 lb/1,000 sq ft per application
- There is a maximum number of 4 applications per season. Refer to the Directions for Use for the minimum retreatment interval for each disease.
- Under conditions of high disease pressure, use the higher rates, the shortest application interval or both.
- For soil-borne diseases, use sufficient water to move the active ingredient into the crown and upper root zone.
Note: Always read the Product Label Sheet for complete user directions for application, mixing and application rates. |