Inspect Mosquito Breeding Sites
Remove Standing Water
Mosquitoes can breed in any standing water, but they are particularly drawn to standing water with lots of organic debris. Nasty water is commonplace to find mosquito larvae. You can verify a water source's mosquito content during the summer months by dipping a cup into the stagnant water. Look for mosquito larvae in the cup. The larvae are about the size of a fingernail, and they squiggle around.
Inspect Breeding Sites
To eliminate mosquito breeding sites, begin with obvious areas and empty the water from them. These sites include old tires, buckets, wheelbarrows, and clogged gutters. Flower pots and the saucers that they sit on are often over-looked, so check these.
With in‐ground pools remove water from the pool decking, and they are often full of water. The pool drains aren't easily emptied, but they can be treated with Tekko 0.2G Granular Mosquto Larvicide, Mosquito Bits or Altosid Pro-G Granules. Mosquito bits can also be placed anywhere that frequently collects water.
When looking for standing water, remember that just a few ounces of water can produce a significant number of mosquitoes.
Removing standing water around your yard is an excellent first step in reducing mosquito populations, but it does not solve the problem. Mosquitoes can easily breed next door in your neighbor's yard or further down the street. Adult mosquitoes are likely to invade your yard regardless of the breeding suitability of the area.
- clogged gutters
- tree holes
- brackish swamps
- tree holes
- salt marshes
- bottles
- cans
- old tires
- puddles
- children's toys (left outside)
- leaky faucets
- low spots holding watero
- tree holes
- outdoor sinks
- wheelbarrows
- bird baths
- clogged gutters
- buckets