
Lontrel Turf & Ornamental Herbicide - Clover Control

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Lontrel Turf & Ornamental Herbicide - Clover Control
Lontrel Turf & Ornamental Herbicide - Clover Control
Total: $0.00

With Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide, you can maintain a healthy turf even when trying to control clover and other hard to kill weeds. Killing clover without damaging your turf is possible with Lontrel Herbicide. It also works well on dollarweed, dandelion and thistle, without burning and harming St Austinegrass, Bermudagrass or closely mowed grass.

Unfortunately, Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide is only labeled for commericial areas, not labeled for residential use.

With Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide, you can maintain a healthy turf even when trying to control clover and other hard to kill weeds. Killing clover without damaging your turf is possible with Lontrel Herbicide. It also works well on dollarweed, dandelion and thistle, without burning and harming St Austinegrass, Bermudagrass or closely mowed grass.

Unfortunately, Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide is only labeled for commericial areas, not labeled for residential use.

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
Lontrel Turf and Ornamental Herbicide works great on clover without burning the grass. It's even safe for St. Augustine grass.

Product Information

Lontrel Herbicide - Qt

With Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide, you can maintain a healthy turf even when trying to control clover and other hard to kill weeds. Killing clover without damaging your turf is possible with Lontrel Herbicide. It also works well on dollarweed, dandelion and thistle, without burning and harming St Austinegrass, Bermudagrass or closely mowed grass.

Unfortunately, Lontrel Turf Ornamental Herbicide is only labeled for commericial areas, not labeled for residential use.

Lontrel Turf and Ornamental Herbicide Top Features

  • Lontrel Turf &Ornamental Herbicide with clopyralid is a post-emergent speciality herbicide.
  • Lontrel is labeled for use on both warm- and cool-season turf.
  • Low use rates and low odor
  • Won't harm: St. Augustinegrass, Bahiagrass, Centipedgrass, Bermudagrass(closely mowed), Buffalograss, Kikuyugrass, Zoysiagrass
  • Can be applied over the top growing, establish turf with no worries.
  • Lontrel also can be mixed with fertilizers for a weed-and-feed program.

How Lontrel Herbicide Works

The active ingredient clopyralid attacks all parts of the target weed, including the root system. Disrupting water intake, the weeds die.

Can affect other broadleaf plants directly through foliage and indirectly by root uptake from treated soil. Therefore, do not apply this product directly to desired plants, or allow spray drift to these locations. Use of a marking dye wil help you determine spray patterns.
Packaging N/A
Product Label Product Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest For selective postermergence control of broadleaf weeds, including turfgrass grown for seed or sod farms, certain ornamental plantings, such as conifers,non-leguminous woody species, and ornamental grasses in landscapes and nurseries. Control of certain broadleaf weeds including Black medic, Clover, Plantain, Daisy, cudweed, Thistle, and much more. Lontrel can be used on warm season and cool season turf grasses.
Active Ingredient(s) Clopyralid - 40.9%
For Use In Non-residential. Ideal for golf courses, commercial properties, parks, other public faciities, and sod farms.
Yield N/A
Mixture 0.1 to 0.5 oz. per 1000 sq.ft. It will depend on the target. Please refer to the product label for all dilution rates.

Lontrel turf and ornamental herbicide may be applied to nonresidential turf as a broadcast spray or as a spot treatment for specific weed problems. It can be used alone or tank-mixed with a variety of products for improved weed control in turf.


On established nonresidential turf and in landscape settings, Lontrel should be applied to actively growing weeds while they are still small (Lontrel turf and ornamental herbicide will not control weeds that have not emerged). Spot treatments should be applied with hand sprayers using a fixed spray volume per 1,000 square feet. Labeled rates vary from .25 to 1.33 pints per acre or up to a ounce per 1,000 square feet.

Application rates for tank mixes also vary. Check the sprayer frequently to make sure it's calibrated correctly, working properly and delivering a uniform spray. Agitate the solution thoroughly before and during application. Lontrel becomes rainfast within two hours

Not Available for Purchase In AK, NY

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