Martin's Clear Pasture with Triclopyr 61.6 % controls hard to control woody plants, mesquite, trees, heavy brush, annual & perennial weeds and more for improved grassland and long lasting brush control. Compare Martin's Clear Pasture to Remedy Herbicide (Triclopyr 61.6 %)Â for a more economical alternative.
This is really for large users. It goes a long way and the directions are a bit complicated. For small areas check out Alligare Triclopyr 4 - Qt
Product Information
Martin's Clear Pasture
Martin's Clear Pasture with Triclopyr 61.6 % kills hard to control woody plants, mesquite, trees, heavy brush, annual & perennial weeds and more. Use Clear Pasture  for improved grassland and long lasting brush control.
Martin's Clear Pasture is handy for controlling any resprouting on cut stumps.
Clear Pasture can be applied using a sprayer in smaller areas or aerially for larger areas, with no grazing restrictions (except for lactating dairy animals).
Martin's Clear Pasture & Remedy Herbicide
Compare Martin's Clear Pasture to Remedy Herbicide (Triclopyr 61.6 %) for a more economical alternative.
How Clear Pasture Works as Brush Control
Martins Clear Pasture, with 4lb Ester penetrates the waxy cuticle of the plant's leaf speeding up the process. Symptoms should be seen in a couple of days. It will take a couple of weeks to kill the plant. It is important to use Clear Pasture during the active growth season of the plant. Typical times are early summer months. Use higher rates for hard to control weeds such as pines, black gum, ash, oaks. maples (other than vine or big leaf) or winged elm or if spraying late in the summer on mature plants.
• Permanent grass pastures, rangelands, and conservation reserve program (CRP) acres (including non-irrigation ditch banks and fence rows within these areas)
• Non-crop areas including industrial manufacturing and storage sites
• Rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, communication lines, pipelines, roadsides, and railroads
• Fence rows
• Non-irrigation ditch banks
• Around farm buildings
• Perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue ornamental turf (including sod farms, commercial turf, and golf courses)
20-40 gallons. As an average, one gallon of finished solution treats up to 2 acres of land for broadleaf and woody plants.
mix with water,oil or oil-water mix (diesel, fuel or kerosene) See Label for dilution rates
Clear Pasture Herbicide Mixing Instructions
Spray Clear Pasture at a rate of 64 oz per acre for regular usage.
For spot treatments, use 3.2 oz per gallon of water. For broadleaf weeds, 1 gallon of finished solution will treat 1,000 square feet.
Use 6.4 per gallon of water for brush and woody plants.
For hard to treat trees and basal treatments use a oil mixture of one to one. Mix one gallon of oil to one gallon of Clear Pasture and spray the bark of the tree directly. To speed up the process, drill a hole in the tree and pour the solution into it.
Apply Clear Pasture by mixing with water or as an oil-water emulsion. NOTE: An oil-water emulsion performs more dependably under a broader range of conditions than a straight water dilution for woody plant control and is recommended for aerial applications
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Grazing and Haying Restrictions
Except for lactating dairy animals, there are no grazing restrictions following application of this product.
Grazing Lactating Dairy Animals: Do not allow lactating dairy animals to graze treated areas until the next growing season following application of this product.
Do not harvest hay for 14 days after application.
Slaughter Restrictions: Withdraw livestock from grazing treated grass or consumption of treated hay at least 3 days before slaughter. This restriction applies to grazing during the season following treatment or hay harvested during the season following treatment
CLEAR PASTURE may injure certain turfgrass species. Do not apply to bahiagrass, bentgrass, bermudagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustine grass, or zoysiagrass, unless turf injury can be tolerated.