
Maxforce Fly Spot Bait

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Starting at $16.90

Grouped product items
Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Maxforce Fly Spot Envelope-1
Maxforce Fly Spot Envelope-1
  • Buy 2 for $13.85 each and save 18%
  • Buy 8 for $13.15 each and save 22%
Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb
Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb
Special Price $56.43 Regular Price $61.95
Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb + 1 Quart Sprayer
Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb + 1 Quart Sprayer
Total: $0.00


  1. Stryker 54 Aerosol Contact Insect Spray
  2. +
  3. Flyweb Fly Light Insect Trap- 1 Fly Light Trap
  4. +
  5. PT Alpine Pressurized Fly Bait
  6. +
  7. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
Total: $0.00
Bundle Price: $0.00
  • This item: Maxforce Fly Spot Bait $0.00
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    Maxforce Fly Spot Envelope-1
    • Buy 2 for $13.85 each and save 18%
    • Buy 8 for $13.15 each and save 22%
    Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb
    Special Price $56.43 Regular Price $61.95
    Maxforce Fly Spot - 1lb + 1 Quart Sprayer
  • Stryker 54 Aerosol Contact Insect Spray $20.99
  • Flyweb Classic Fly Light Insect Trap $39.50
  • PT Alpine Pressurized Fly Bait $32.50
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50

Product Information

Maxforce Fly Spot

Maxforce Fly Spot is recommended by pest control operators as a fast acting solution for fly problems. Fly Spot is mixed in water using a pump sprayer, it is very easy to apply. Maxforce fly spot kills flies in 60 seconds or less. Flies will be attracted to the bait and die within seconds.

A small spot of Maxforce Fly Spot has up to a six week residual indoors to control ongoing flies. It's labeled for use inside and outside in commercial establishments and outside residential areas. The active ingredient, Imidacloprid, works quickly, even against flies resistant to other insecticides. Maxforce Fly Spot Bait has two powerful attractants; a luring pheromone and a sugar base attractant. Kills Common house fly or lesser house fly.

With Maxforce Fly Spot Bait - Flies Die

  • Immediate Results-Flies start to die in 60 seconds or less
  • Long Residual-6 weeks indoors, 14 days outdoors
  • Sprayable formulation
  • Low odor
  • Formula contains Bitrex bittering agent to minimize ingestion by non-target animals


  • Packet-2 oz (yields one pint of finished solution)
  • 1 lb (16 oz) (yields 8 pints of finished solution)
  • 1 lb + 1 quart sprayer

How To Use Maxforce Fly Spot Bait

Maxforce Fly Spot Bait is a concentrated granule that is mixed with water. It then can be sprayed or painted on the surface.Treat small spots is efficient and saves time.

Apply Maxforce Fly Spot Bait to many locations throughout the facility or structure for best results. Spray it on surfaces where house flies tend to rest.

It is not necessary to spray the complete surface; the attractants in the bait will attract other insect pests to the treated areas. Begin applications of this fly bait at the start of the fly season, before fly populations have reached their peak.

To Spray: Mix the 2 oz packet in the envelope with 1 pint of water. One pint of a solution will treat up to 125 sq feet. Each 1b bottle of Fly Spot makes 8 pints (1 gallon) of finished solution. For the larger 1lb bottle, mix 16 oz (1lb) to one gallon of water and agitate mixture completely. One gallon of finished spray will treat 1,000 square feet of fly-resting surfaces.

To Paint: Mix 8 oz of Maxforce Fly Spot Bait to 8 oz of water; mix to desired consistency in order to paint. Apply the mixture in narrow bands up to 6 inches wide on suitable fly-resting surfaces. Do not apply this product at a rate exceeding 8 ounces for every 1,000 square feet of floor space.

Packaging envelope-1 or 1 lb or 1 quart sprayer
Product Label Maxforce Fly Spot Bait Label
Safety Data Sheet Maxforce Fly Spot Bait SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest Common house fly or lesser house fly. Does not work on other types of flies.
Active Ingredient(s) Imidacloprid 10.0%
For Use In
  • Inside commercial establishments
  • Around the outside of residences and commercial buildings
  • In partly enclosed or protected areas
  • In and around agricultural livestock production facilities
  • Animal confinement areas (cattle, poultry, swine)
  • Stable walls and waste containers
Yield One pint of a solution will treat up to 125 sq feet
Mixture Maxforce Fly Spot Bait is a concentrated granule that is mixed with water. It then can be sprayed or painted on the surface
Not Available for Purchase In CT, MA, MD, NY, VT

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