
Merit 75 WP Insecticide - Imidacloprid Systemic - 2 oz (Discontinued)

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Please consider Imidacloprid 75 WSP Select (4 x 1.6oz) as an alternative.
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Merit 75 WP Insecticide - Imidacloprid Systemic - 2 oz (Discontinued)
Merit 75 WP Insecticide - Imidacloprid Systemic - 2 oz (Discontinued)
  • Buy 2 for $35.24 each and save 1%
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Merit 75 WP helps control your mole population by killing grub worms. Merit does an excellent job as a turf treatment for grubs and aphids. Merit 75 WP is a systemic containing Imidacloprid that kills a broad spectrum of turf pests. Merit 75 is used as a foliar spray or a soil broadcast. It may also be used as a drench application for long-term control of the turf and ornamental pests in landscape shrubs and trees.

Please visit : Prime Source's Imidacloprid 75 WSB as an alternative

Product Information

Merit 75 WP Insecticide - Imidacloprid Systemic - 2 oz

Merit 75 WP Insecticide helps control your mole population by killing grub worms. Merit 75 WP does an excellent job as a turf treatment for grubs and aphids. Merit 75 WP is a systemic containing Imidacloprid that kills a broad-spectrum of turf pests. Merit 75 is used as a foliar spray or a soil broadcast. it may also be used as a drench application for long term control of the turf and ornamental pests in landscape shrubs and trees .

How does it work ?

As a systemic, Merit 75 WP is translocated upward into the plant system from root uptake then moves upward throughout the plant.

Feature Benefits

  • Long residual
  • 2 oz. covers a typical size yard
  • preventative and curative
  • low use rate-low risk
  • improves turf quality.

For a generic product that saves you money, try Quali Pro'sImidacloprid 75 WSB

Packaging N/A
Product Label Label
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Target Pest

Ornamental and Turfgrass Pests: Billbug larvae; European crane fly; hairy chinch bugs; mole crickets; white grubs, including Japanese beetle, black turfgrass ataenius, Northern masked chafer, Southern masked chafer, European chafer, oriental beetle, May and June beetles, Adelgids, aphids, Asian long-horned beetle, borers, elm leaf beetles, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, Japanese and other leaf-feeding beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, pine tip moth, royal palm bug, sawfly larvae, scale insects, thrips (suppression), vine weevils, whiteflies.

Active Ingredient (s) Imidacloprid.............75%
For Use : MERIT 75 WP Insecticide can be used as directed on turfgrass in sites such as home lawns, business and office complexes, shopping complexes, multi-family residential complexes, golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and sod farms.
Yield Merit 75WP applies at a rate of 6 - 8 oz per acre
Mixture|Application Turf : 6.4 to 8.6 oz per acre or 3-4 level teaspoons per 1,000 sq ft.
Ornamental : Foliar-1 teaspoons per 10 gal of water. Soil injection or drench: 0.7 to 1.4 teaspoons per inch of tree diameter or foot or shrub height.

The active ingredient in MERIT 75 WP Insecticide has sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding the egg laying activity of the target pests. High levels of control can be achieved when applications are made preceding or during the egg laying period.

 Optimum control will be achieved when applications are made prior to egg hatch of the target pests, followed by sufficient irrigation or rainfall to move the active ingredient through the thatch.

Applications should not be made when turfgrass areas are waterlogged or the soil is saturated with water. Adequate distribution of the active ingredient cannot be achieved when these conditions exist. The treated turf area must be in such a condition that the rainfall or irrigation will penetrate vertically in the soil profile.

Retreatment Applications cannot exceed a total of 8.6 oz (0.4 lb of active ingredient) per acre per year.
Shipping Restrictions CT, NY, SC

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