
Monterey Spurge Power

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Starting at $25.50

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Spurge Power 8 oz
Spurge Power 8 oz
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Spurge Power 16 oz
Spurge Power 16 oz
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Product Information

Monterey Spurge Power

Monterey's Spurge Power combines three active ingredients (MCPA - 56.4%, Triclopyr Acid - 5.0%, Dicamba Acid - 3.6%) as a powerful combination for post-emergent control of such broad leaf weeds as Spurge, Clover, Dandelions, Oxalis, Creeping Charlie on residential lawns.

Where To Use Spurge Power

Except for dichondra and carpet grass, you may use Spurge Power on all species of commercial turf. However, on centipede grass and St. Augustine grass you may see some yellowing (the turf will rebound). Be careful of drift so that it does not come in contact flowers, trees, ornamental beds, flowers, and dichondra lawns are where desirable clovers are present.

Use Rates

In 2-5 gallons of water, mix 1.0 to 1.25 oz per 1,000 sq ft. to control broadleaf weeds in Bluegrass, Fescue, Rye, Bent (excluding golf greens and tees), Bahia, Bermuda, and Zoysia lawns. May use in warm season grasses when the grass is dormant at the higher rates. Use lower rates when the warm season lawn is actively growing. Do not apply to warm season lawns during transition phases of green up to dormancy or vice versa.

Use Tips

Do not mow for 1-2 days after or before application. Pets are safe on the treated area after it has dried. Do not apply when temperatures are above 85 degrees.

Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet SDS
More PDF's Monterey Zone Map
Target Pest Beggarweed, Bindweed, Black medic, Buckhorn, Burdock, Buttercup, Canada thistle, Carpetweed, Catnip, Chamise, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cocklebur, Coffeeweed, Cornflower, Cornspeedwell, Dandelion, Dock, Dog fennel, English daisy, Florida pusley, Frenchweed, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Hawkweed, Healall, Heartleaf drymary, Henbit, Jimsonweed, Knawel, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter, Lespedeza, Little Starwort, Mallow, Matchweed, Morningglory, Mustard, Oxalis (Stricta and corniculata), Parsley-piert, Pennywort, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Plantain, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Purslane, Ragweed, Red clover, Red sorrel, Sheep sorrel, Shepherdspurse, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Speedwell, Spiderwort, Spotted catsear, Spurge, Spurweed, Stinging nettle, Stitchwort, Thistle, Toadflax, Veronica, Vetch, Wild aster, Wild carrot, Wild garlic, Wild geranium, Wild lettuce, Wild onion, Wild radish, Wild violet, Wood sorrel, Yarrow and many other broadleaf weeds.
Active Ingredient(s) MCPA - 56.4%, Triclopyr Acid - 5.0% ,Dicamba Acid - 3.6%
For Use In
  • Cool & Warm-season lawns
  • See label for complete list
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In N/A

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