Since this is a bait, do not contaminate it with other insecticides.Mother Earth Granular Scatter Bait is great for sensitive accounts. Use 4-6 oz/100 ft band at least 2 feet wide around the perimeter, foundations, driveways, patios, and entrances. Around food areas, use crack and crevice treatments only.
Product Information
Mother Earth Granular Scatter Bait
MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait is a long-lasting granular bait. It is mined from the earth with Boric acid 5% in a blended bait matrix. Boric Acid targets the insect's metabolism, so insects can not develop resistance to it. MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait has a high bait acceptance. It's bait matrix is a blend of attractants for high bait acceptance among roaches, ants, silverfish, crickets and other occasional invaders.
Top Benefits
Attractive bait matrix for broad-spectrum control
Granular bait for long lasting protection and easy application
Active ingredient is mined directly from Mother Earth
Perimeter Treatment: Apply MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait at a rate of 4-6oz/100 ft. in a band at least 2 ft. wide around foundations, patios, driveways, sidewalks, entrances, and other areas where insects are present
Food area applications are limited to Crack & Crevice treatments only
The bait may be applied into cracks and crevices with a bellows hand duster at a rate of 2-6 puffs per foot.
Do not contaminate this product with other pesticides.
Ants(Argentine, Carpenter, Thief, Pharaoh, Little Black, Pavement, Odorous House and Crazy Ants), Cockroaches (Asian, American, Brown, Brown Banded, Smokey Brown, German and Oriental Cockroaches) , Crickets, Earwigs, Mole Crickets, Silverfish, Slugs and Snails
Public and private institutions as well as schools
Other sensitive accounts
Application tips
Perimeter Treatment: Apply MotherEarth Granular Scatter Bait at a rate of 4-6oz/100 ft. in a band at least 2 ft. wide around foundations, patios, driveways, sidewalks, entrances, and other areas where insects are present
Food area applications are limited to Crack & Crevice treatments only
Do not contaminate this product with other pesticides.