
Optimate CS

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Starting at $54.50

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Optimate CS - Pt
Optimate CS - Pt
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Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
The really nice feature of Optimate CS is that it uses 1/2 of the active but with the same results as products such as Cyzmic and Cyonara. One ounce bottle of Optimate CS will make 3 gallons.

Product Information

Optimate CS Controlled Release Insecticide -Low Use Rate

Optimate CS Controlled Release Insecticide, with Gamma-Cyhalothrina is one of the most active pyrethroids available on the market.The use rates of gamma-cyhalothrin are some of the lowest of insecticides. This means that there is less of the active ingredient in the environment. This microencapsulated insecticide may be used inside or outside. Optimate CS has a huge label for the pests that it controls, and also is labeled for turfgrass and shrubs.

Optimate CS - High Yield

Optimate CS Insecticide - 1oz will yield 3-6 gallons of finished solution for average home use. For lawn, turfgrass and shrubs, the yield is a lot higher.


Optimate Cs Top Features

  • Control Release for up to 3 months
  • May be re-treated at 21 day intervals per label
  • Average dilution rate is 5-10 milliliters per gallon of water(measurments on the side of the bottle)
  • One gallon finished dilution typically treats 500 – 1000 sq. ft.
  • Well known in poultry housing, one pint of Optimate CS treats up to 24,000 sq feet when treating litter beetles. Optimate CS is also effective against darkling beetles, hide and carrion beettles .
  • In University testing, Optimate CS killed 100% of big-headed ants over twice as fast after 4 weeks than Lambda-Cyhalothrin.
Product Label Optimate CS Label
Safety Data Sheet Optimate CS MSDS
Target Pest Ants, Bed Bugs, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Carrion Beetles, Centipedes, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cockroaches, Confused Flour Beetles, Crickets, Darkling Beetles,Earwigs, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Lesser Grain Borers, ,Hide Beetles,Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Ticks, Wasps, Litter Beetles, Pillbugs, Scorpions, Spiders,many other nuisance pests.
Active Ingredient(s) Gamma-Cyhalothrin 5.9%
For Use In

Homes, Apartment Buildings, stores, restaurants (non-food areas), Warehouses, government Offices, Public Buildings and institutions,apartment buildings, laboratories, buses, greenhouses, stores, warehouses, ships, railcars, trucks, trailers, aircraft, schoolsm nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, poultry housing, pet kennels, food granaries, grain mills, food manufacturing, food processing plants, garbage rooms, bathrooms, garages, storage facilities, machine rooms, offices, and service establishments.

For use as a general surface, crack and crevice or spot treatment in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings including lawns/turfgrass and ornamentals

Yield N/A
Mixture 0.16 to .33 oz (5-10 milliliters) per gallon of water in a hand pump sprayer or a tank mixed power sprayer. Different dilution rates for other uses, see label.

Indoors: You don't need much, dilute 5-10 milliliters of Optimate CS  in one gallon of water, depending on target pest. The label of Optimate CS allows you to retreat in 3 weeks if necessary. Spray around baseboards, doors, under appliances, around plumbing and other possible entry points.

Outdoors: Mix 5-10 milliliters of Optimate CS in one gallon of water in your sprayer. Spray around the perimeter of the foundaion of the house, around windows, doors, eaves, patios, garages, and trash areas and other areas where insects rest or congregate.

Apply the band up to 10 ft. wide around the structure according to state regulations governing commercial pest control) and upwards along the foundation to 3 ft. and around windows, doors, and roof overhangs.

Foam Applications:

Optimate CS may be converted to a foam and the foam used to treat premise voids to control or prevent pests including ants, bees, termites (above ground only), wasps, or other arthropods harboring in walls, under slabs, or in other void areas.

Retreatment Last up to 3 months but can be reapplied at 21-day intervals if necessary.
Not Available for Purchase In AK, NY

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