For Use : |
turfgrass (home lawns, business and office complexes, shopping centers, residential complexes, golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields and sod farms), landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plantscapes |
Application |
Turfgrass Application
For best results, for the control of grubs, billbugs, European crane fly and annual bluegrass weevil, make application prior to egg hatch of the target pest. Use 1.6 oz (1 packet per 8,250 to 11,000 sq. ft.)
For suppression of chinch bugs, make application prior to hatching of the instar nymphs. For control of mole crickets, make application prior to or during the peak egg-hatch period. When adults or large nymphs are present and actively tunneling, application should be accompanied by a curative insecticide. Follow label instructions for other insecticides when tank mixing. Use 1.6 oz (1 packet per 8,250 sq ft.)
When applying hard to wet foliage such as holly, pine or ivy, a spreader/sticker is recommended. Quali Pro Imidacloprid 75 WSB is a systemic and will be translocated through plant by the root uptake. Apply Imidacloprid 75 WSB where the growing portion of the plant can absorb the imidacloprid. A nitrogen fertilizer may enhance the uptake of Imidacloprid . Foliar applications may be made by drenches, broadcasts or soil injections. Soil applications to plants with woody stems, the systemic activity and translocation delay could take 60 days.For this reason, applications should be made prior to anticipated pest infestation to achieve optimum levels of control. For outdoor ornamentals, broadcast applications cannot exceed a total of 8.6 oz (0.4 lb of active ingredient) per acre per year
Limit Food Sources for Ants
Control Aphids, scale insects, mealybugs and other suckling pests on ornamentals to limit honeydew food sources for ants. Use 1.6 oz (1 packet) per 300 gals of water as a foliar application. Start treatments before high pest population establishment and reapply as needed.
To control White grub larvae, use 1 packet per 8,250-11,000 sq ft. Spray sufficient water to cover the target areas. Do not use less than 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet and irrigate to incorporate.
See label for complete instructions |