
SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz.

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Please consider SpeedZone Herbicide EW as an alternative.
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SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz.
SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz.
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Speed Zone Lawn Weed Herbicide has been replaced with the new and improved formulation of Speedzone Herbicide EW!


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  • This item: SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz. $41.50 Out of stock
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks

If you haven't used SpeedZone before, be careful. Follow the mixture recommendations because it is a powerful herbicide. You can get Speedzone- 1 Gallon and 2.5 Gallon as well. When we say powerful it means its hot and kills quickly. Be careful around ornamentals because of the possible drift. If you need fast action this is the product for you.

Product Information

SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz.

Speed Zone Lawn Weed Killer kills weeds fast. It kills tough broadleaf weeds such as plantain, clover, spurge, and ground ivy. Speedzone is a selective herbicide that works in established cool weather grasses and warm-season turfgrasses. Applications can be made from early spring to fall (up to killing frost) and is rainfast in three hours. Reseeding may be done in two weeks with this low odor formulation.

  • Fast weed control
  • Outstanding broad leaf weed control for turf
  • Visible activity in hours
  • Effective, fast-acting cool-weather product
  • Clover control in as little as 1 week
  • Rain-fast in 3-4 hours
  • Reseed in 1 week
  • CAUTION signal word
  • Low-odor formulation
For larger sizes:
Packaging N/A
Product Label Label.
Safety Data Sheet SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest Broadleaf Weeds; treats over 100 different varieties of broadleaf weeds including wild violet, clover, garlic, common lespedeza including spurge, plantain, chickweed, poison oak and ivy.
Active Ingredient(s) carefentrazone-ethyl 0.62%
2, 4-D, 2 Ethylhexyl Ester 28.57%
Mecoprop-p Acid 5.88%
Dicamba Acid 1.71%
For Use In

Uses include institutional, ornamental, and residential sites, sod production, and noncropland (rights-of-way, roadsides, medians, airports, and military installations

Do not apply to any body of water, shoreline, wetlands, agricultural irrigation water.

Cool Season Grass: Kentucky blue grass, Perennial rye grass, Tall fescue, Colonial bent grass. Also Warm Season Grass: Common Bermuda and Zoyziagrass


Yield N/A
Mixture 1.5 oz per 1000 square feet for most applications
Not Available for Purchase In CA
More Instructions

Caution: Do not apply SpeedZone Herbicide to bentgrass greens, carpetgrass, dichondra, legumes, and lawns with desirable clovers. Do not apply to new grass seedlings until after the second mowing. Delay applying SpeedZone for 3 to 4 wk on newly sodded, sprigged, or plugged areas. Do not irrigate turfgrass within 24 hr after application. Delay mowing 1 to 2 days before and after application. Treated areas may be reseeded 2 wk after application. Do not apply when air exceeds 90°F. Do not apply to any body of water, wetlands, irrigation ditch banks, or shorelines. -

Product Videos

SpeedZone Lawn Weed Killer Concentrate - 20 oz
What is a Surfactant?
Properly Mixing Herbicides

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