Effective pre-emergent seed and weed control on a broad spectrum of weeds and grasses. Standard rate-Turf Grass - Apply now in early spring up to summer, prevents weeds from germinating. Tank can be mixed with any glyphosate, kills weeds on top of ground and prevents weeds from germinating. Please be careful with glyphosate(same active percentage as Round Up) with anything green as Glyphosate will kill it. It will take 1.5 - 2 quarts of Surflan to treat an acre for turf grass( 1.5 oz / 1 gallon of water , See label for complete instructions). Applications will vary based on the rate used during the treatment. For long growing warm regions, a stronger rate will provide a longer window of protection. At the low rate, you can expect 2-4 months of residual. Higher rates can yield 6-12 months of activity. Do not reseed for 90 - 180 days following application as seed germination may be negatively affected.
Surflan AS is an economical and effective pre-emergent herbicide that is particularly effective on crabgrass. This 2.5-gallon jug will cover between 4.5 and 7 acres.
Product Information
Surflan AS - Oryzalin 41%
Surflan AS with Oryzlalin 41% is the same as Oryzalin 4 Pro. This specialty herbicide is a pre-emergent, selective herbicide. It controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in residential and commercial areas. It provides up to 8 months of control for selected weeds in landscape, ornamentals, container ornamentals, berries, non-bearing citrus, fruit and nut trees, vineyards and Christmas tree plantations. It works on established warm season turf such as Bahiagrass, Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, Tall Fescue and Zoysiagrass. See label for complete list.
Surflan AS, as a pre-emergent herbicide does not control emerged weeds. It is used during early spring to summer sprayed to the soil surface of over the top of germinating weeds. For turf grass rate(warm season turfgrasses), use Use 1-1.5 oz, per gallon of water, per 1,000 square feet. Rate volume of the finished product may vary, depending on use weed species, targeted location area and length of control needed. High volume rates will provide 6-12 months of coverage and the lower rates will provide 2-4 months of coverage. See label for complete instructions.
Wait 90-180 days to reseed so the seed germination is not adversely affected.
Surflan AS and Glyphosate- Tank Mix
If you wish to kill weeds that have already emerged, use a Glyphosate with the tank mix. We carry Eraser and Agrisel GlyphoSel Pro
Suppresses these weeds (control may range from poor to excellent depending on several factors): Horseweed, Ladysthumb, Lettuce, Mallow, Milkweed, Morningglory, Mustard, Nightshade, Ragweed, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Spurge, Teaweed, Velvetleaf, Wheat.
Active Ingredient(s)
Oryzalin 40.4%
For Use In
Surflan AS is used for control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in:
Landscape Ornamentals
Container Grown Ornamentals
Field Grown Ornamentals
Drainage Areas Under Shade house Benches
Ornamental Bulb
Ground Covers/Perennials
Christmas Tree Plantations
Non-bearing fruit and nut trees and non-bearing vineyard
Noncropland and Industrial Sites
Established Warm Season Turf (including Bahia grass, Bermuda grass, Buffalograss,Centipedegrass, St. Augustine grass and Zoysiagrass)
Tall Fescue (warm season areas)
For warm season turfgrass control, yields 320 gallons which will cover about 7.35 acres.
1 to 3 oz, per gallon of water, per 1,000 square feet
Turfgrass single application 1.5 ounces per 1000 square feet.
For longer lasting control do a split application: An initial application of 1 ounce per 1000 square feet with a repeat application of 1 ounce per 1000 square feet 8 to 10 weeks later.