Understanding Product Labels

All products that Do It Yourself Pest Control (store.doyourownpestcontrol.com) sells come with a manufacturer's product label.
It is important to read the entire label before application. A licenced pest management professional is required by law to understand and adhere to all label directions and as a "do-it-yourselver", it is highly recommended.
Please call us if you have any questions concerning label cautions or directions. It is our recommendation that you consult a medical doctor for all sensitivities to chemicals before usage. If your doctor wants the manufacturer safety data sheet (MSDS) we have that for download.
*In the sections below, we have detailed the various sub headers on a product label that you would read.
Product NameMost of manufacturers of technical pesticides (active ingredients) have a product name, for each chemical they sell to a specific industry sector. Some manufacturers that formulate may use the same active ingredient in several different products. Ingredient StatementThe ingredient statement lists the official chemical names or common chemical names for each active ingredient. Inert ingredients are not normally named, unless there is a toxicological concern for the applicator. Type of PesticideThis is a short statement, often listed on the front of the label. This statement generalizes the pests to be controlled and the pesticide formulation. Net ContentsThe front part of the label lists how much formulation is in the container. It can be expressed in grams, kilograms, pounds, ounces, milliliters, liters, gallons, quarts, pints or fluid ounces. Liquid formulations may also list the pounds of active ingredient per gallon of product. Registration and Establishment NumberAn EPA Registration Number appears on all pesticide labels. Product safety data and sometimes efficacy data are required. The EPA establishment number identifies the facility of production. Signal Words and SymbolsEvery product label will have the toxicity measurement and potential hazards to humans, non-targeted animals and environment. There are three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION. Any signal word must be in large letters on the front of the label and followed by the statement, "Keep Out of Reach of Children".
Precautionary StatementsAll product labels will have instructions and precautions to reduce risk to people and pets. These statements are listed under the heading "Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals". Statement of Practical TreatmentThese are statements that describe first-aid treaments, in case of poisoning. Typical statements include the following:
All labels with DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION signal words have a section for physicians with appropriate medical procedures for poisoning emergencies. The product label may provide phone numbers and identify an antidote. Environmental HazardsSome chemicals may be hazardous to the environment. Precautions are given in application methods and locations. Some products are classified as restricted use because the high potential environmental hazards. Look for warning statements concerning hazards to the environment, such as to birds or fish and other aquatic organisms. Physical or Chemical HazardsThis describes any special hazards : flammable, explosive, corrosive or chemical hazards. Classification Statement and "Restricted-Use Pesticide"EPA classifies every chemical either "general" or "restricted" in terms of its usage.
Some states exceed EPA national guidelines and classify general use products as "restricted use" products. NY and CT have done this. Restricted use products can only be purchased and applied by a certified applicator. If the product does not have the term "Restricted Use", then it is a "General Use" product, even if the words "general use" do not appear on the label. Any one can purchase general use products, unless their residing state has exceeded EPA classifications. Most ot the professional products that we carry can not be purchased at home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowes and are sold only through speciality distribuition chanels. Reentry StatementSome products have a reentry precaution statement on their product labels. This specifies the the time before a person can enter a treated area without protective clothing or gear. They are typically found on aerosols, ULV machines, foggers and fumigants. Storage and DisposalThis is information of appropriate storage and disposal of the chemical and disposal of the container. Storage and recommended temperatures are recommended. Never reuse any pesticide or herbicide containers. As you store pesticides or herbicides, always keep in mind the warning "KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN". Directions for UseThis section is the largest of the label. It gives you the proper dilution rate, mixing rate, how much to use, target pest, timing of application, and proper equipment for application. It also provides the crop, animal, or site the product is intended for usage. It provides compatibility with other often used products. Included in the directions are phytotoxicity and other possible injury or staining problems. |
Understanding the target pest is beneficial in application
Understanding the target pest is beneficial in application. Do It Yourself Pest Control, we have instructional information to aid you. Always call us for recommendations or questions that need to be answered.
*Works Cited : "Laws and the Pesticide Label." Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Managment Operations, Sixth Edition. Purdue University