
List of Stinging Insects

bumble beesbumble bees
  • 1 1/16th inch
  • Bumble bees are large, hairy bees that collect and carry
    pollen on their hind legs to bring it back to the hive.
carpenter beecarpenter bee

13/16 inch

European Africanized honey bee honey bee ("Killer Bees")European Africanized honey bee honey bee ("Killer Bees")

European Africanized
honey bee honey bee ("Killer Bees")

  • 5/8 inch-Brown or black with
    yellow-striped abdomens.
  • The Africanized and domestic honey bees
    closely resemble each other,
    the Africanized bee is slightly smaller.


mud daubermud dauber

7/8 inch

paper wasppaper wasp

13/16 inch

Written by our resident pest control expert Ken Martin.

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