
4 Speed XT Herbicide

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Starting at $55.50

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Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
4 Speed XT-Qt
4 Speed XT-Qt
  • Buy 2 for $53.05 each and save 4%
4 Speed XT-2.5 Gallon
4 Speed XT-2.5 Gallon
  • Buy 2 for $268.50 each and save 3%
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Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
If you are looking for a quick acting, broadleaf weed killer for your lawn you won't find a better choice than 4 Speed XT. It is a potent blend of four herbicides including ester forms of 2,4-D and triclopyr.

Product Information

4 Speed XT- Works Fast On Toughest Weeds

4 Speed XT Selective Herbicide combines four active ingredients, triclopyr, 2,4-D, pyraflufen and dicamba for a powerful and fast control of more than 100 broadleaf weeds. 4 Speed XT is a post emergent spray that may be used on ornamental turf lawns (Residential, Industrial, and Institutional), golf courses, parks, roadsides, sod farms and similar sites. As a fast acting and effective weed killer, you will start to see symptoms of injury to the weeds with 1-2 days of application in such hard-to-kill weeds, such as oxalis, spurge, wild violet and wild geranium.

Application Recommendations

You may apply 4-Speed XT as a post emergent spray as a broadcast or spot treatment. Spray actively, young weeds.To minimize drift, use a medium or coarser spray nozzle. Do not spray during temperature inversions or at wind speeds over ten mph.

Use Directions

Bermudagrass - If Bermudagrass is dormant, up to 4 pints per acre may be used. However, some hybrid Bermudagrasses may be sensitive to this product. Contact your local extension service weed control specialist.

Warm Season Turfgrass - Use reduced rates if grass is stressed from heat or drought. Exercise care when applying during growth stages from dormancy to green-up and from green-up to dormancy. Some temporary discoloration may occur on warm season grasses.

When mixing with fertilizer - Higher water volumes may be used when tank mixed with a turf fertilizer. Follow fertilizer labels for proper amounts to add.

Bentgrass - Apply on closely mowed Bentgrass, preferably in May or mid-August through September. Slight turf yellowing will disappear after about one week.


Use Rate
(Fluid Ounces)

Spray Volume(Gallons)

Use Rate

Spray Volume(Gallons)

Bahiagrass, Bluegrass, common
Bermudagrass, Fescue
Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass

1.1 to 1.5 oz
per 1,000 sq ft.

Spray Volume:0.1 to 5.0 gallons 
per 1,000 square feet

pints per acre

Spray Volume:

3-220 gallons
per acre

(Putting and Bowling Greens)

0.67 oz
per 1000 sq ft

Spray Volume:

3.3 gallons  per 1,000 square feet

1.8 pints
per acre

Spray Volume:

145 gallons
per acre

Packaging N/A
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
Target Pest

Beggarweed, Bindweed, Black medic, Buckhorn, Chickweed, Dandelion,Florida pusley, Frenchweed, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Henbit, Jimsonweed, Knawel, Knotweed, Kochia, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Little starwort, Mallow, Oxalis, Pennywor,t Pepperweed, Pigweed, Plantain, Purslane, Ragweed, Red clover, Red sorrel, Sheep sorrel, Spurge, Thistle, Toadflax, Veronica, Vetch, Wild aster, Wild violet, White clover

See label for a complete list.

Active Ingredient(s) 2,4-D - 41.92%
triclopyr - 4.81%
dicamba - 3.46%
pyraflufen-ethyl - 0.067%
For Use In

4 Speed XT may be used on Bahiagrass, Bluegrass, Common, Fescue, Ryegrass, Zoysiagrass and Bentgrass

Athletic fields, Cemeteries, Golf courses (fairways, aprons, tees and roughs), Lawns, Parks, Sod farms

Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In AK, CA, HI, NY, CT

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