
Advion Fire Ant Bait

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Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Advion Fire Ant Bait -2 lb
Advion Fire Ant Bait -2 lb
  • Buy 2 for $49.50 each and save 10%
Advion Fire Ant Bait - 25 lb
Advion Fire Ant Bait - 25 lb
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  7. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
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  • This item: Advion Fire Ant Bait $0.00
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    Advion Fire Ant Bait -2 lb
    • Buy 2 for $49.50 each and save 10%
    Advion Fire Ant Bait - 25 lb
  • Martin's Surrender Fire Ant Killer $24.78
  • Chapin Hand Shaker Spreader for Turf and Salt (8740A) $17.95
  • Taurus SC - 20 oz $46.58
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
Advion Fire Ant Bait is one of the best fire ant baits on the market. As a rule, you only want to bait ants when it is nice weather. I don't ever like putting the bait on the mound. Sprinkle Advion Fire Ant Bait around the mound.

Product Information

Advion Fire Ant Bait

Advion Fire Ant Bait is one of the fastest baits on the market to kill fire ants. Advion works in 2-3 days; killing the entire fire ant colony. Advion Fire Ant Bait, although specializes in fire ant control also controls Bigheaded ants and Pavement ants.

Application Of Advion Fire Ant Bait

The best time to use Advion Fire Ant Bait is when in the mornings and evenings. At this time, the fire ants are usually foraging for food. This fire ant bait may be scattered as a broadcast treatment or used on individual mounds.

When to apply:
1. Apply Advion Fire Ant Bait after you see the fire ants, bigheaded or pavement ants.
2. When baiting for fire ants, it is most effective when the soil is at least 60 degrees and ants are busy foraging for food. "Picnic' weather is a perfect time.
3. According to the label, you may repeat applications up to 4 times a year, usually 12 to 16 week intervals.
4. If it rains within 4 hours, Advion Fire Ant Bait would not work as well, so wait for dry weather.

Advion Fire Ant Bait Key Product Features

  • Quick acting and complete kill of colony
  • Controls fire ants in 2 to 3 days
  • Treats on all the ant's life stages
  • Broadcast or mound treatment
  • Pet and Children Safe when used as directed

Specific Use Directions

1. Broadcast Treatments: Make application with broadcast equipment capable of applying 1.5 pounds of ADVION fire ant bait per acre. Calibrate and adjust equipment prior to application to ensure that the proper rate of product will be applied. Retreat after 12-16 weeks if needed.
2. Individual Mound Treatments: Do not disturb the mound. Do not apply to tops of mound. Apply 4 level tablespoons (0.5 oz) of ADVION fire ant bait per mound, uniformly distributing the product 3-4 feet around the mound. Retreat after 12-16 weeks if needed. Individual mound treatments:
1. Do not use kitchen utensils for measuring. Keep measuring utensils with pest control pesticides away from children.
2. Do not allow livestock or domestic animals to consume the bait.
3. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
4. Do not exceed 6 total pounds of ADVION® fire ant bait applied per acre per year.

Fire ant map

Packaging N/A
Product Label Advion Fire Ant Bait Label
Safety Data Sheet Advion Fire Ant Bait SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest

imported fire ants, bigheaded ants, and pavement ants

Active Ingredient(s) Indoxacarb .045%
For Use In In and around buildings, lawns, recreational areas, golf courses, and other noncrop/nongrazed areas
Yield N/A
Mixture Apply when ants are actively looking for food - typically in morning or evening. Broadcast treatment: 1.5 - 5 lbs. per acre, mounds: 4 level tablespoons around mound. Do not apply immediately before or after irrigation or rain
Retreatment Retreat after 12-16 weeks if needed. Up to 4 applications of ADVION Fire Ant Bait may be applied per year
Not Available for Purchase In AK
More Instructions

Field Tests

Numerous field trials conducted with formulations of this material have provided very good, consistent results. It is a conventionally-formulated bait that uses de-fatted corn grit as a carrier with the active ingredient dissolved in soybean oil, which also serves as the attractant.

At a broadcast application rate of 1.5 lb/acre, suppression of foraging ants begins overnight.

Three days following treatment, elimination of 95% or more of the ant colonies have been routinely documented! No other bait comes close to this speed of control and it rivals that of contact insecticides.

As with the other fast-acting baits, there are few residual effects, so re-invasion can begin almost immediately. The label includes individual mound treatment directions. However, with the speed of activity being the same for mound treatment as for a broadcast application, the only situation in which mound treatment could be justified is where only a handful of mounds are present in an area, where it would cost more to broadcast, or when precise bait placement is needed such as near water or other sensitive sites.

Note that Advion use only and limited to non-ag sites.

Even though the active ingredient is called indoxacarb, it is not a carbamate. It is a low-toxicity GABA inhibitor that must be consumed and metabolized to work. Speed of control has been the major roadblock to the acceptance of fire ant baits in both the consumer and professional markets. With control in 3 days, Advion should be a real breakthrough product.

*Prepared by: Bastiaan "Bart" M. Drees, Professor and Extension Entomologist

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