Agrisel Pendi Hydrocap
Starting at $26.56

Product Information
Agrisel Pendi Hydrocap-Pre Emergent Herbicide
Agrisel Pendi Hydrocap with Pendimethalin 38.7% can be compared to Pendulum Aquacap with the same percentage of active ingredient. As a pre-emergent herbicide, it will prevent seeds from sprouting but will not kill established plants or weeds.
Use Pendi Hydrocap for pre-emergent control of select broadleaf weeds and grasses as they germinate.
- Turf grass sites (golf courses, lawns, sod farms, and other turf areas) and landscape ornamental maintenance areas
- Grounds maintenance, parking lots, driveways and roadsides, alleyways, bike and jogging paths, vacant lots, buildings, stone gardens and gravel yards, markers and fence lines, and mulch beds.
- Noncropland areas—railroad, utility, highway, and pipeline rights-of-way; highway guardrails, delineators, and signposts; bridge abutments and approaches; utility substations; petroleum tank farms; pumping installations; storage areas; fence rows, windbreaks, and shelterbelts; paved or gravel surfaces; and established wildflower plantings where weed control is desired.
- Bulb plantings, non-bearing fruit and nut tree nurseries, conifer and hardwood seedling nurseries and tree plantations-for site preparation and maintenance
- Cool Season Grasses and Warm Season Grasses: All Turf Uses-1.1 to 1.6 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. Use 3.1 to 6.3 pints per acre. See the label for exceptions and details.
Packaging | Pt, Qt, Gallon, 2.5 Gallon |
Product Label | Label |
Safety Data Sheet | SDS |
More PDF's | N/A |
Target Pest |
Active Ingredient(s) | Pendimethalin 38.7% |
For Use In | N/A |
Yield | N/A |
Mixture | For turfgrass applications (cool season and warm season grasses) apply 1.1 to 1.6 oz. per 1000 sq. ft. Reapply in 5 to 8 weeks if needed. |
Retreatment | In 5 to 8 weeks for extended control or where heavy weed infestations are expected. |
Not Available for Purchase In | AK, AL, CA, CT, DE, DC, HI, KS, MD, MT, NE, NH, NY, ND, PA, RI, VT, WA |
More Instructions | TURFGRASS RESTRICTIONS • Use on well-established turfgrass with a dense and uniform stand. If turf has been thinned or damaged due to a winter injury, excessive moisture, etc., allow it to recover before application. • On newly planted areas, do not apply until the turfgrass has filled in and has been mowed at least four times. Applications made to overseeded warmseason turfgrasses may cause thinning or injury to the overseeded species. • Do not use on bentgrass or Poa annua greens and tees, or injury may occur. • Delay reseeding or winter overseeding of treated turfgrass for at least three (3) months following the last Agrisel Pendi Hydrocap application. • Delay sprigging turfgrass for five (5) months after application |