B&G Electric Duster M2250
B&G's Electric Duster M2250, ideal for treating the biggest of jobs.It's the perfect tool for dusting large volumes of insecticide dust in areas such as attics, crawl spaces, and other favorite hiding places of roaches, ants, silverfish, carpenter ants, and termites.
This B&G duster holds up to 3 pounds of dust or granules (such as Delta dust, Drione, Timbor, Boric Acid, etc), and features a large 3.5" opening for easy filling. Allows user to direct output accurately, adding a static charge to dust particles, making them adhere to surfaces better.
The black void attachment is not included.
Product Information
B&G Professional Dusting Equipment-Elecric Duster M2250
BG's Electric Duster M2250, ideal for treating the biggest of jobs. It's the perfect tool for dusting large volumes of insecticide dust in areas such as attics, crawl spaces, and other favorite hiding places of roaches, ants, silverfish, carpenter ants, and termites.
This duster holds up to 3 pounds of dust or granules (such as Delta dust, Drione, Timbor, Boric Acid, etc), and features a large 3.5" opening for easy filling. Allows user to direct output accurately, adding a static charge to dust particles, making them adhere to surfaces better.
A flexible 24" hose and 12" extension allows the user to better direct material and molded tank is designed for maximum durability. The optional Void treat discharge,# 2264, as shown in manual is optional.
Packaging | N/A |
Product Label | Manual |
Safety Data Sheet | Sales Sheet |
More PDF's | N/A |
Target Pest | N/A |
Active Ingredient(s) | N/A |
For Use In | N/A |
Yield | N/A |
Mixture | N/A |
Application | The treatment area of dust or granules applied can be adjusted by adding the 12 in. (30 cm) extension tube to the flexible hose on the cap. Â Flexible hose (only) - This configuration delivers granules over an approximately 30 sq. ft. (2.8 sq. meters) area. Â Flexible hose + extension - This configuration delivers granules over an approximately 50 sq. ft. (4.6 sq. meters) area. |
Not Available for Purchase In | N/A |
More Instructions | B&G Repair Manual |