
Bifen XTS

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Starting at $55.50

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Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Bifen XTS - Qt
Bifen XTS - Qt
  • Buy 2 for $52.33 each and save 6%
Bifen XTS - Gallon
Bifen XTS - Gallon
  • Buy 2 for $164.50 each and save 2%
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  3. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
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  • This item: Bifen XTS $0.00
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    Bifen XTS - Qt
    • Buy 2 for $52.33 each and save 6%
    Bifen XTS - Gallon
    • Buy 2 for $164.50 each and save 2%
  • DIY One Gallon Power Sprayer (Rechargeable) $25.57
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.64

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks

A lot of lawn care companies in Florida use Bifen XTS to help control chinch bugs on lawns. Bifen XTS penetrates the turf and drives them to the top. They also use Dominion 2L for control of chinch bugs.

We are having a lot of armyworms this fall. This product is our go-to insecticide to kill them.

Product Information

Bifen XTS

Bifen XTS is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 25.1% bifenthrin. Bifen XTS penetrates porous surfaces far better than Bifen IT making it the product of choice for boring bark beetles such as black turpentine beetles, mountain pine beetles, western pine tip beetles, southern pine tip beetles, and engraver beetles. In addition to the beetles, Bifen XTS is labeled for a full range of insects including mole crickets, termites, ants and many lawn and garden insects such as armyworms, cutworms, and sodwebworms. 

Yield: One quart yields 50-1200 gallons depending on target insect.

Application: Use 0.30 fl oz (0.06% dilution rate) per 1000 sq feet for the majority of insects on the label.

Mole Crickets

Use Bifen XTS at a lower rate in the early Spring to control overwintered Mole Crickets. Use the higher rate in late- Summer or early Fall to control adult Mole Crickets.

Ornamentals and Trees

Ornamentals and Trees: Dilute 0.26 to 1.28 fl. oz. of Bifen XTS per 10 gallons of water and apply at the rate of 10 gallons per 4,356 square feet. One gallon of finish spray will treat 435 sq. ft. If a higher volume application is needed to sufficiently cover the plant canopy, Bifen XTS can be diluted in large volumes of water and applied through low volume equipment as long as the maximum label rate (1.28 fluid ounces per 4,356 square feet) is not exceeded.

Armyworms, Cutworms and Sodwebworms

To ensure that the best control of Armyworms, Cutworms, and Sod Webworms is achieved, postpone watering or mowing for 24 hours following application of Bifen XTS.

This product may not be sent by expedited shipments (Next Day, 2nd Day, or 3 Day Select)

Packaging Qt or Gallon
Product Label Bifen XTS Label
Safety Data Sheet Bifen XTS SDS
More PDF's Product Brochure
Target Pest

Outside Pest Around Buildings: Ants, Carpenter Ants ,Armyworms, Billbugs,Chinch Bugs, Crane Flies, Crickets,Cutworms, Dichondra Flea Beetles Earwigs, European Crane Flies, Fall Webworms, Fleas (adults, larvae), Grasshoppers, Imported Fire Ants, Japanese Beetles, Mites, Mole Crickets* ,Sod Webworms, Spittlebugs, Ticks, Termites(not recommended),Wood-infesting beetles (including but not limited to Old House Borer & Powder Post)

Ornamental Insects: Ants, Aphids, Bagworms, Black Vine Weevil (Adults), Brown Soft Scales, Broad Mites, Budworms, California Red Scale (crawlers), Centipedes,Clover Mites, Crickets, Cutworms, Earwigs, Leaf Beetles, Fall Webworms,Flea Beetles, Fungus Gnats (adults),Grasshoppers, Lace Bugs,Leafhoppers,Leaf feeding Caterpillars, Mealybugs, Millipedes, Mole Crickets, Orchid Weevils, Pillbugs, Pine Needle Scales (crawlers), Plant Bugs, (incl. Lygus spp) San Jose Scales (crawlers), Sowbugs, Spiders ,Spittlebugs, Tent Caterpillars, Tip Moths Weevils, Whiteflies Citrus, Thrips, Beet Armyworm Diaprepes (larvae, adult), European Red Mite, Leafrollers Spider Mites, Thrips,Twig Borers, Japanese Beetles (adult), Leafminers Pecan Leaf Scorch Mite, Black Vine Weevil (larvae),Fungus Gnats (larvae)

Active Ingredient(s) 25.1% Bifenthrin
For Use In
  • Residential and Commercial Perimeter Control
  • Pre and post construction termite treatment
  • Turf and ornamentals, and outdoor perimeter pest control
  • See label for all pests





Yield 1 quart yields 50-1200 and 1 gallon yields 200- 4800 gallons, depending on target insect
Mixture 0.30 fl oz (0.06% dilution rate) per 1000 sq feet for the majority of insects on the label.
Retreatment As needed
Not Available for Purchase In AK, CT, MA, NY, VT
A suggested alternative would be Fenvastar Cap This product may not be sent by expedited shipments (Next Day, 2nd Day, or 3 Day Select)

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