Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray #858 with natural pyrethrin provides a quick knockdown for many garden insects including aphids, beetles, webworms, leafhoppers, and more listed garden insects.
The active ingredient in Bonide's Pyrethrin Concentrate provides a rapid knockdown of insects, targeting the insect's central nervous system. Pyrethrin is a strong insect repellent yet has a low toxicity to warm blooded animals.
Pyrethrins originate from Chrysanthemum flowers, making it a natural ingredient. Bonide Pyrethrin Concentrate is environmentally friendly and decomposes quickly.
Bonide's Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray is a great all purpose insect spray for the garden. It doesn't leave any residue behind so you can use it on sensitive plants too.
Product Information
Bonide Pyrethrin Concentrate #858 - Garden Insect Spray- 16 oz
Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray #858 with natural pyrethrin provides a quick knockdown for many garden insects including aphids, beetles, webworms, leafhoppers, and more listed garden insects.
The active ingredient in Bonide's Pyrethrin Concentrate provides a rapid knockdown of insects, targeting the insect's central nervous system. Pyrethrin is a strong insect repellent yet has a low toxicity to warm blooded animals.
Pyrethrins originate from Chrysanthemum flowers, making it a natural ingredient. Bonide Pyrethrin Concentrate is environmentally friendly and decomposes quickly.
May be used up to day of harvest.
May be used on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, ornamentals and delicate ornamentals.
vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, and ornamentals
Yield about 8 gallons of finished spray
Use 1 tablespoon (.5 oz ) per quart of water, 2 oz per gallon of water
May be used outdoors or in greenhouses throughout the entire growing season or as a preharvest treatment when other insecticides are prohibited due to residue restrictions.
Apply to insure thorough coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces.
Use caution on new growth and tender foliage when spraying.