Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" by Helena Chemicals is a broad spectrum contact foliar fungicide that controls a variety of diseases on agricultural crops, nursery crops,ornamental plants, in greenhouses,and on turf.
Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" Fungicide is environmentally sensitive.
Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" by Helena Chemicals is a broad spectrum contact foliar fungicide that controls a variety of diseases on agricultural crops, nursery crops,ornamental plants, in greenhouses, and on turf.
Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" Fungicide is environmentally sensitive.
Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" should be applied when you first see signs of fungal growth.
Eco-Mate Armicarb "0" contains potassium bicarbonate which has been known for its fungicidal activity for years.
Apply at rate of 2.5 to 5 lbs. per 100 gallons.
Repeat applications every 10-14 days, increase frequency of applications every 5-7 days during high fungal growth.
Diseases including Alternaria blight, Anthracnose, Ascochyta blight, Black Spot, Botrytis blight, Botrytis gray mold, Downy mildew, Didymellina leaf spot, Fusarium, Ink Spot, Powdery Mildew, Ray blight, Scab, Septoria leaf spot, etc. Please refer to the product label for complete list.
Active Ingredient(s)
Potassium Bicarbonate 85%
For Use In
Turf Application, Ornamental Crops and Fruit , Grain, Legume and Vegetable Crops, see Product Label for a Complete List
Turf,Field ,Greenhouse Application :Apply at rate of 2.5 to 5 lbs. per 100 gallons. Start application at first sign of disease.
Repeat applications at 10-14 days intervals as neeeded. Increase frequency of applications every 5-7 days during high fungal growth.
Not Available for Purchase In
More Instructions
Final sray solution should not be below 7.0 pH
Do not apply Eco-Mae Armicarb "0" through any type of irrigation system.
Spray solution should be applied within 12 hours of preparation.