Gallery 75 D, by Dow AgroSciences, contains Isoxaben 75%. Gallery 75DF is a specialty herbicide that effectively controls 95 species of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months. It can also be used on 230 container-grown ornamentals and 440 field-grown ornamentals. It may also be applied over the top application on more than 400 ornamentals. This pre-emergent herbicide controls the tough to kill dandelion.
The container cap for Gallery 75 Dry Flowable may be used to measure the amount of product required for small areas. When filled to the level of the inner lip, the cap contains approximately 1/2 ounce, which is the amount needed to treat an area of 1000 square feet at the rate equivalent to 1.33 pounds per acre.
Gallery 75 D, by Dow AgroSciences, contains Isoxaben 75%. Gallery 75DF is a specialty herbicide that effectively controls 95 species of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months. It can also be used on 230 container-grown ornamentals and 440 field-grown ornamentals. It may also be applied over the top application on more than 400 ornamentals. This pre-emergent herbicide controls the tough to kill dandelion.
Use Rates: 0.25- 0.50 oz per 1,000sq.ft.
Gallery 75DF and Tank Mix
For a broader spectrum of weed control, Gallery 75 DF may be tank mixed with other pre-emergent products like Surflan or with almost any post emergent herbicide.
How Gallery 75 DF Works
The active ingredient in Gallery 75 DF is Isoxaben 75%; a pre-emergent herbicide. Isoxaben 75% stops the weeds early, disrupting the root and stem development.
Preventive treatment for broadleaf weeds
Prevents the growth of more than 95 species of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months
Can be used on 714 field-grown and 562 container-grown ornamentals
Recommended for use on all established cool- and warm-season turfgrasses
Bittercress, Black medic, Carolina geranium, Chickweed, Clover, Dandelion, Filaree, Henbit, Kochia, Lambsquarters,
Little mallow, Morningglory, Mustard Oxalis, Pennywort , Pigweed, Pineappleweed Plantain, Prostrate knotweed, Purslane and more listed on the product label.
Active Ingredient(s)
Isoxaben 75%
For Use In
Gallery 75 DF may be used for listed broadleaf weeds in Established Turfgrass, Landscape Ornamentals, Container Grown Ornamentals, Field Grown Ornamentals,Groundcovers/Perennials, Non-Cropland, Ornamental Bulbs, Non-Bearing Fruit and Nut Trees, Non-Bearing Vineyards and Christmas Tree/Conifer Plantations
0.25- 0.50 oz per 1,000sq.ft. which is equal to 0.66 lb-1.33 lb/acre