Giant Destroyer Smoke Bombs
Giant Destroyer Smoke Bombs
Giant Destroyers are "smoke bombs" that are placed in the burrows of moles. These cartridges release a sulfurous smoke in the runways of moles. It is also labeled gophers ,moles, woodchucks, rats, squirrels, ground squirrels and skunks. Light the fuse on the cartridge , then place the Giant Destroyers in the entrance, quickly covering the cartridge and hole with soil. Please read the product details for complete instructions.

Product Information
Giant Destroyer Smoke Bombs
Giant Destroyers are "smoke bombs" that are placed in the burrows of moles. These cartridges release a sulfurous smoke in the runways of moles. It is also labeled gophers, moles, woodchucks, rats, squirrels, ground squirrels and skunks. Light the fuse on the cartridge, then place the Giant Destroyers in the entrance, quickly covering the cartridge and hole with soil. Please read the product details for complete instructions.
- Kills Gophers, Moles, Woodchucks, Rats, Skunks, and Ground Squirrels
- Active Ingredients:
Sodium Nitrate.....46.2%
Charcoal............ 8.7%
Other Ingredients...10.3%
Total..............100% - Use only inside of burrows, never inside of building
1. Find main runway and clear one opening for easy cartridge insertion. Make sure all other openings are sealed.
2. Insert fuse firmly into cartridge and making sure to leave two inches of fuse exposed.
3. Light fuse and insert cartridge into runway opening. Minimum fuse burning time: 5 seconds.
4. When cartridge begins to smoke, cover opening completely with dirt.
Locate the main runway, look for fresh conical mounds of dirt. Select the freshest of these, remove plug and dig in direction of main runway. If lateral to the mound is plugged, either dig past the plug or probe ground around the plug to locate main runway. Main runway will be found when probe meets little or no resistance. When runway is found, prepare an opening into runway large enough so that cartridge can be inserted easily. Collect sufficient dirt and other material for closing hole. Light fuse and insert cartridge into hole fuse-end -first. Cover cartridge quickly, but take care not to smother it with dirt. Quickly close any holes where gas escapes. If your excavations have divided main runway into sections, treat each portion.POCKET GOPHERS:
Locate fan-shaped mounds with signs of recent gopher activity. Find the horseshoe-shaped depression on one side of the mound. To locate the main runway, probe ground 15-18 inches from mound on the same side as the depression. The main runway has been located when ground friction on the probe has been released. Dig down to main runway, taking care not to block it off with dirt. Create an opening large enough for easy insertion of the cartridge. Collect enough dirt and other material to close opening. Light fuse and insert fuse-end-first. Immediately cover opening, taking care not to smother cartridge with loose dirt. Cover any openings where gasses escape. Treat all active mounds.WOOD CHUCKS:
Locate all burrow entrances. Select one for use and close all other entrances with rock and dirt. Light fuse and insert cartridge fuse-end-first. Cover with rock and dirt, being careful not to smother cartridge with dirt. Consult state game laws before using this product for woodchuck control.NORWAY RAT:
Use only where burrows are isolated from homes,barns, and all other man-made stuctures. DO NOT USE inside buildings or anywhere where gasses could enter buildings. Collect plenty of dirt and other materials for closing burrow openings. Treat each burrow opening by lighting fuse and inserting cartridge fuse-end-first into the hole.(make sure hole is large enough for easy insertion before lighting fuse.) Cover hole immediately,taking care not to smother cartridge with loose dirt. Immediately cover all other openings from which gas escapes. Proceed to next closest burrow and treat as above.GROUND SQUIRRELS:
Collect plenty of dirt and other material for closing burrow openings. Treat each burrow opening by lighting fuse and inserting cartridge fuse-end-first into hole. (Make sure hole is large enough for easy insertion before lighting fuse.) Cover hole immediately,taking care not to smother cartridge with loose dirt. Immediately cover all other openings from which gas escapes. Proceed to the next closest open burrow and treat as above.SKUNKS:
Locate all entrances to den. Do not treat dens under inhabited structures or buildings where toxic gasses could reach humans, pets,or domestic animals including livestock. Openings to den should be large enough to permit easy insertion of cartridge. Close any openings to den other than the one to be treated. Collect material for closing treated opening. Dirt, sod,and a large rock may serve this purpose. Light fuse and insert cartridge fuse-end-first. Close opening, being careful not to cover cartridge with dirt. Close any previously undetected openings where gas escapes.
- Hazards to humans and domestic animals
- After ignition, cartridge produces oxide of sulfur gasses. Fumes may be harmful if inhaled.
- If inhaled, and person has poisoning symptoms( headache, nausea, dizziness,and weakness) transfer victim to fresh air. Have victim lie down and keep warm. If respiration is adequate recovery will be rapid. If breathing has stopped, use artificial respiration. If available, pure oxygen should be used. Call a physician immediately.
- This product is highly toxic to wildlife. Check all burrows for sights of non targets. If present, do not treat burrows.
Do not contaminate water,food,or feed by storage or disposal.
Storage:Store in cool, dry place away from fire, heat and direct sunlight.
Pesticide Disposal: To dispose of unused cartridges, soak in water, crush and bury at least 6" in loose soil.
Container Disposal: Place in trash collection.Â
Once ignited by the fuse, this cartridge will burn vigorously until completely spent and is capable of causing severe burns to exposed skin and clothes, and of igniting dry grass, leaves, and other combustible materials.Â
Packaging | N/A |
Product Label | Label |
Safety Data Sheet | SDS |
More PDF's | N/A |
Target Pest | Kills Gophers, Moles, Woodchucks, Rats, Skunks, and Ground Squirrels |
Active Ingredient(s) | Sodium Nitrate 46.2% Sulfur 34.8% Charcoal 8.7% Other Ingredients 10.3% |
For Use In | Burrows only. |
Yield | N/A |
Mixture | N/A |
Not Available for Purchase In | N/A |