
GlyPhoSel Plus

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Starting at $44.50

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GlyPhoSel Plus (QT)
GlyPhoSel Plus (QT)
  • Buy 2 for $40.95 each and save 8%
  • Buy 12 for $29.50 each and save 34%
GlyPhoSel Plus (Gal)
GlyPhoSel Plus (Gal)
  • Buy 2 for $100.80 each and save 10%
  • Buy 4 for $89.95 each and save 20%
GlyPhoSel Plus (2.5 Gal)
GlyPhoSel Plus (2.5 Gal)
  • Buy 2 for $250.00 each and save 6%
  • Buy 4 for $202.50 each and save 24%
Total: $0.00

Product Information

Glyphosel Plus- Post-Emergent Herbicide

Agrisel's Glyphosel Plus is a post-emergent herbicide. With its two different active ingredients, it is able to kill weeds and grasses on contact and provides the residual effect for up to six months. It is suitable for application on non-crop areas like industrial sites, driveways, fence rows, etc.

  • Kills all weeds and grasses that are contacted.
  • Kills weeds completely down to the root.
  • It gives residual control for 6-8 months, which means no re-growth of weeds.
  • Works fast with low use rate of 7.4 fluid ounces per 1-10 gallons of water.

Total Vegetation Control (Bareground)

Use spray equipment such as pump-up, backpack, or ATV/Tractor mounted sprayers. Mix 7.4 fl. oz. (0.46 pints) of the product with water to produce 1 to 10 gallons of spray solution, and apply it to actively growing weeds in early summer for optimal results. The mix should be uniformly sprayed over the area where complete vegetation control and bare ground are desired. A total of 7.4 fl. oz. of Agrisel Glyphosel Plus in 1 to 10 gallons of spray solution should be applied to every 1,000 square feet. It is important to note that the maximum application rate of the product should be at most 2.5 gallons per acre per year or 7.4 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. per year.

Spot Control of Brush, Vines, and Weeds

To control brush, vines, and weeds in a spot-specific manner, opt for hand-operated spray equipment such as backpack sprayers, pump-up sprayers, sprinkling cans, or ATV/Tractor mounted sprayers. Mix six fl. oz. of the product in one gallon of spray solution, and uniformly spray the foliage of woody plants until it is wet.

Apply the solution to actively growing brush, vines, and weeds for optimal results. Woody brush and vines are better controlled in the late summer and fall after fruit formation. If woody vines and brush have been cut, wait until full leaf formation before treatment. Brush, vines, or perennial weeds should not be cut or mowed for two months following treatment. The maximum application rate of the product should be 2.5 gallons per acre per year (7.4 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. per year)

Packaging Qt, Gal, and 2.5 Gal
Product Label Label
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest

Grass/Nutsedge Weeds: Bahiagrass, Bentgrass, Bermudagrass, Bluegrass. Brome. Bromegrass, Canarygrass, Cattail, Cogongrass, Dallisgrass, Fescues, Fescue, Guinea grass, Johnsongrass, Kikuyugrass, Knotgrass, Quackgrass, Reed, giant, Ryegrass, Timothy, Torpedograss* Vaseygrass, Wheatgrass, Muhly, Napier grass, Nutsedge; purple, yellow Cyperus, Orchardgrass, Dactylis, Pampas Panicum, Para grass, Phragmites*,

Broadleaf Weeds: Alfalfa, Alligatorweed*, Anise (fennel), Artichoke, Jerusalem, Bassia, fivehook  Bassia,  Bindweed, field, Blueweed, Texas,  Bracken fern, Bursage, woolly leaf,  Clover, red,  Clover, white, Dandelion, Dock, curly, Dogbane, Fiddleneck, Fleabane,  Fleabane, hairy, Horsenettle, Horseradish,  Ice plant,  Knapweed,  Kochia,  Lantana, Lespedeza,.  Lettuce, prickly, Milkweed,.  Mullein, common, Nightshade,   Poison hemlock, Ragweed,   Ragweed,  Smartweed Pennsylvania, Sowthistle, Spurge, leafy*,   Thistle, Thistle, Canada  Cirsium Thistle, Russian, Velvetleaf  

Tree, Brush, and Vines: Alder, Ash, Aspen, quaking, Balsam apple* Momordica (Bearclover) , Beech, Blackberry, Blackgu, Bracken, Coyote, Creeper, Virginia* Dewberry, Dogwood*, Elderberry, Elm* Ulmus, Gorse Ulex,* Haplopappus, Hawthorn, Maple: Red*, Sugar, Vine, Monkey Flower*, Oak: Black*, Northern Pin, Post,Red, Southern Red, White* Russian Olive**, Sagebrush, California, Salmonberry, Salt Cedar, Sassafras, Sourwood Sweet potato, wild*, Sumac: Poison*. 

See label for more listed weeds


*Partial Control

** Not registered in Ca for Russian olives


Active Ingredient (s) Glyphosate 43.68% + Imazapyr 0.78%
For Use :

Use on non-crops areas: Industrial sites, Petroleum tank farms, Lumberyards, Manufacturing Sites, Storage Areas, Airports, Roadsides, Curbs, Sidewalks, Driveways, Parking areas, Brick walks, Gravel Paths, Patios, Vacant lots, Paved areas (including crack and crevice), Warehouse areas, Urban areas, Recreational areas, Play areas, Tennis courts, Fencerows, Along fences of paddocks, corrals, feedlots, and livestock holding areas, Hedgerows, Dry Ditchbanks, Around domestic dwellings, Around farm buildings and barns, Agricultural uncultivated areas, Shelter beds, Farm yards, Farm premises, Outdoor buildings, structures, and shelters such as beef barns, hog barns, dairy barns, stables, dog kennels, and poultry houses, and for establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings.

  • Do not enter or allow others to enter treated areas until sprays have dried.
  • Do not use it on feed or food crops.
  • Keep people and pets out of the area during application.
Yield N/A
Mixture|Application N/A
Application Apply on a sunny day with temperatures above 60°F. Avoid product runoff to nearby desirable plants. In soils with heavy clay, weed control may exceed one year
  • Do not apply to or allow product to drift onto desirable plants. 
  • Only apply to areas where no vegetation is desired for one year.
  • Do not apply near bodies of water including fish pools, ponds, lakes or streams
  • Do not apply over the root systems of desirable plants. For trees and shrubs do not apply closer than twice the distance from the trunk to the drip line as roots may be within this area.
  • Do not apply to slopes in landscape as movement on soil surfaces may damage desirable plants down slope.
  • Do not apply next to a fence if desirable vegetation is growing on the other side, or if future planting is intended.
  • Do not use before planting lawns, fruits, vegetables, flowers, or other plants because this product remains active in soil for up to one year.
Shipping Restrictions N/A
More Instructions

Mixers, loaders, applicators, and other handlers must wear: 

  • Protective eyewear (goggles, face shield, or safety glasses)
  • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants
  • Shoes plus socks
  • Chemical-resistant gloves for all mixers and loaders, plus applicators using handheld equipment.

Environmental Hazards

This product is toxic to plants. Drift and run-off may be hazardous to plants in water adjacent to treated areas. Do not apply directly to water, areas where surface water is present, or intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water or rinsate. See Directions for Use for additional precautions and requirements.

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