Hel-Fire Herbicide Activator enhances herbicides with a combined formulation of deposition agents, activators and water conditioners It helps herbicide efficacy by eliminating the antagonistic effects of hard water. Hel-Fire is particularity useful when glyphosate (Round UP, Eraser ) as the active ingredient is used. It functions as a wetter/spreader, adjuvant as well.
Improves herbicide activity
Corrects hard water antagonism
Improves spray deposition
Provides good wetting properties
Improves rainfastness
Works well in weather extremes
Oil-free formula mixes easily in water
Excellent crop safety record
Ground and Aerial: Use 2-8 pints per 100 gallons of spray. When mixed with glyphosate, use at least 4 pints per 100 gallons of water
Water Conditioning: 1– 2 quarts per 100 gallons of spray solution when used in place of 8.5 –17 pounds of ammonium sulfate.