Monterey Liqui-Cop controls such diseases as blights, anthracnose, brown rot, shot hole, downy and powdery mildew, leaf spot, and peach leaf curl.
As a copper pesticide, Liqua-Cop is a preventative fungicide. Use Liqua-Cop to prevent fungicide by spraying the entire plant surface successfully. Preventative fungicides like Liqua-Cop are not curative of plant diseases, only preventative.
You will find Liquicop weatherproof and does not require spreader stickers to increase effectiveness. It may be combined with horticultural oils.
Anthracnose, rots, scabs, blights, spots, cankers, pitting, mildews, and many others
 See label for complete list
Active Ingredient (s)
Copper - diammonia diacetate complex 27.15%
For Use :
Fruits, nuts, vegetables and miscellaneous plants
Fruit and nut crops: 0.5-4 teaspoons per gallon of water
Mix specified rate in 1 gallon of water and apply 3 gallons of mixed solution to a small tree or bush, 6 gallons of mixed solution to a medium size tree, or 9 gallons of mixed solution to a large tree. Thoroughly spray tree to point of runoff, including upper and lower surfaces of foliage. Do not overspray. Do not mix more spray solution than needed.
Citrus Trees: for brown rot - 1-3 teaspoons per gallon of water
Vegetables: 1-6 teaspoons per gallon of water
Mix specified rate in 1 gallon of water and apply 2 gallons of mixed solution per 1,000 sq. ft. (1 gallon of mixed solution per 500 sq. ft.)