
NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent- RTU

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Starting at $43.50

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Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent- RTU
NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent- RTU
Total: $0.00


  1. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
  2. +
  3. Mosquito Combo Kit-Small
  4. +
  5. N95 Particulate Respirator with Valve (5 Pack)
  6. +
  7. Cedarcide Original Bug Spray & Repellent 4oz
Total: $0.00
Bundle Price: $0.00
  • This item: NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent- RTU $0.00
    Grouped product items
    Product Name Qty
    NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent- RTU
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50
  • Mosquito Combo Kit-Small $86.50
  • N95 Particulate Respirator with Valve (5 Pack) $10.35
  • Cedarcide Original Bug Spray & Repellent 4oz $13.68

Product Information

NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent

NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent is an effective solution to exterminate and deter outdoor insects of various kinds. The formula comprises natural insecticide that works efficiently against pesky bugs such as mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, aphids, flies, moths, crickets, no-see-ums, chiggers, Japanese beetles, and others. 


Plant-Based and Non-Toxic

Its plant-based formulation acts rapidly to control and eradicate the insect population within the treated area. Now, you can keep your surroundings free from harmful insects without worrying about harming your lawn, garden, or family. 
This repellent safely repels flying and crawling outdoor pests without harming you or your pet.

This product is non-hazardous compared to toxic pesticides because it uses natural-based products that promote healthy agriculture and ecosystems.
This all-natural repellent is made from ingredients designed to attack the exoskeleton of insects and hamper their natural biochemistry. 

General Application

  • Apply directly to lawns, shrubs, trees, landscaping areas, exterior structures, and along water edges, where insects are heavily present.
  • Target larvae (mosquitoes, spiders, and ants) by applying to low-level vegetation.
  • Cover the entire area & slightly overlap. We suggest you wait 5 minutes. After spraying, treated areas can be used.
  • Repeat in 5–10 days.
  • Re-apply every 30–40 days for ongoing prevention.
  • If heavy rain or wind is expected, do not spray. Do not spray before or after peak sun hours to avoid rapid evaporation. Suggested spray times are early morning or evening.
Packaging 1 Gallon Ready-To-Use (Covers 4,500 sq ft)
Product Label NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent Label
Safety Data Sheet NM Professional Skeeter Outdoor Repellent SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest

Mosquitoes, Ticks, Fleas, Spiders, Stink Bugs, Horseflies, Spotted Laternfly, Yellow Fly, Gnats, No-See-Ums, Ants, Japanese Beetles, Chiggers, Palmetto Bugs, Moths, Crickets, Roaches, and Scorpions.


Active Ingredient(s) Soybean oil...4.0%, Castor Oil....2.0%. Cinnamon oil...1.0%, Peppermint oil...0.25%, Lemongrass oil...0.25%, Cedarwood oil (Texas) 0.25%, Clove oil 0.25%, Sodium lauryl sulfate 0.25%
For Use In

Lawns, Golf Courses, and Homes, Parking areas and Decks

Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
  • Crawling Insects: Spray directly on soil and mounds where insects are living.
  • Flies: Spray in livestock stalls and areas where animals are grazing to lower fly population.
  • Ticks & Chiggers: Usually found in tall grass, low-to-the-ground shrubs, wooded areas, & plants.
  • No-see-Ums: Peak seasons are March and April.
  • Japanese beetles: Adults appear from the ground in early summer, with peak activity from late June through September.
  • Palmetto bugs and roaches: Found in moist, humid areas. Outdoors around septic tanks, trash bins, mulched gardens, leaf litter, and trees.
  • Stink Bugs: These agricultural pests are found in orchards, farms, & gardens. In residential areas, stink bugs can be seen in playparks and residential landscapes. Spray directly on plants, especially under leaves.
Not Available for Purchase In N/A

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