
Outdoor Flea and Tick Kit

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Outdoor Flea and Tick  Kit
Outdoor Flea and Tick Kit
Total: $0.00


  • Tekko Pro IGR-16 oz-Outdoors-Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)- Breaks the life cycle of the flea. Combine with Bifen IT
  • Bifen IT-Qt-Outdoors, will kill the adult fleas. Combine with Tekko Pro IGR for the first two sprayings.


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Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks

Yes, this combo is great on fleas and ticks, but also works well on ants and mosquitoes.

Product Information

Outdoor Flea and Tick Kit


  • Bifen IT (32 oz) x 1 -Outdoors will kill the adult fleas. Combine with Tekko Pro IGR for the first two sprayings.
  • Tekko Pro IGR (16 oz ) x 1 -Outdoors-Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)- Breaks the life cycle of the fleas and ticks. Combine with Bifen IT

For the outside, mix Bifen IT and Tekko Pro IGR together in your sprayer of choice.

  • Mix 1 oz of Tekko Pro IGR and 1 oz of Bifen IT per gallon of water, this covers up to 1,500 square feet. Spray the areas that are frequented by the pets or the areas of the highest flea activity. Repeat this in 10-14 days. Afterward, use the Bifen IT only at the rate of 1/2 oz per gallon, per 1,000 square feet on a monthly basis
  • Use a hand pump sprayer for small yards or a hose-end sprayer for bigger areas.
Packaging see ingredients to the left
Product Label Bifen IT Label
Safety Data Sheet Tekko Pro Label
More PDF's Tekko Pro SDS, Bifen IT SDS
Target Pest Fleas and Ticks
Active Ingredient(s) N/A
For Use In N/A
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In AK, CT, NY

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