
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select

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Prime Source Meso 4SC Select ( 8oz )
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select ( 8oz )
Special Price $50.99 Regular Price $56.65
Total: $0.00

Product Information

Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide)

Prime Source's Meso 4SC Select provides pre-and post-emergent control of more than 45 broadleaf weeds and grasses in turfgrass. It works by inhibiting photosynthesis in the targeted weeds. Absorbed through the roots, shoots, and leaves, it is very effective when applied before or when seeding specific types of turfgrass.

Turfgrass Tolerant Species of Meso 4SC Select (trial tested to be safe on these species)

SpeciesApplication Rate (Fl. Oz. per Acre)
Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pertensis) Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)5-8
Perennial ryegrass* (Lolium perenne) Fine fescue* (creeping red, chewings and hard) Festuca spp.5
St. Augustinegrass* (grown for sod) (Stenotaphrum secundatum)4

*See additional rate instructions on label.

Manufacturer: Prime Source

Application Instructions

Pre-Emergence Applications:

  • Use 4-8 fl. oz. of Meso 4 SC Select per acre before seed germination. Use at at least 30 gallons of water per acre. For for extended control of crabgrass and foxtail, use Meso with another pre-emergence herbicide such as Prodiamine 65.
  • Precautions for Pre-Emergence Application: It is most effective on established turf as a post-emergence unless it is combined with another active soil herbicide
  • Restrictions for Pre-Emergent Applications. For perennial ryegrass, fine fescues, or mixed stands that consist of >50% perennial ryegrass and/or fine fescue, do not exceed five fl oz per acre. For St Augustine sod, do not exceed four fl oz per acre.
  • New Seedlings/New Lawn Application: With at least 30 gallons of water per acre, apply 5-8 fl. oz. Meso 4 SC Select per acre. Apply before seeding or after seeding to listed tolerant turfgrass (see label)
  • Restrictions for New Seedings/New Lawns: Don't apply on newly germinated turfgrass and wait until it has been mowed 2-4 times 4 weeks after emergence (whichever is longer).
Packaging 8 oz
Product Label Label
More PDF's Sales Sheet
Target Pest
  • Barnyardgrass, Creeping Bentgrass , Annual Bluegrass, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Clover, Crabgrass, Dandelion, Foxtail, Ground Ivy, Henbit, Marestail, Yellow Nutsedge, Oxalis, and others
  • See Label for complete list
Active Ingredient (s) Mesotrione 40.0%
For Use : Commercial & Residential turf-grass: Golf Courses (except Putting Greens), Sod Farms, Business Parks, Athletic Fields, Parks, Cemeteries, Airports and Lawns
Yield N/A
Mixture|Application N/A

Post-Emergence Application Instructions:

  • With at least 30 gallons of water per acre, apply 4-8 fl oz per acre. For the best weed control, repeat application in 2-3 weeks. Choose young and actively growing weeds for application.
  • Post-Emergence Application Precautions: Application to mature weeds and moisture stress can reduce the efficacy of this herbicide. For Bentgrass or Nimbleweed treatment: Use five oz per acre with thirty gallons of water, combined with NIS surfactant, like Alligare 90 Non-Ionic Surfactant with three applications spaced at 2-3 weeks.
  • For optimal weed control, apply in late summer/early fall just prior to new growth. St. Augustinegrass (Sod uses only) and Centipedegrass Treatment: Apply to established turf ONLY. St. Augustinegrass (Sod uses only) and Centipedegrass Restrictions: · DO NOT exceed 4 fl. oz. Meso 4 SC Select if tank mixing with Atrazine or Simazine. ·
  • DO NOT exceed 0.5 lb. atrazine or simazine active ingredient. See atrazine/simazine labels for precautions and restrictions.
  • Dormant Bermudagrass Application only: Apply 5 fl. oz. per acre of Meso 4 SC Select to control winter weeds listed in the Weeds Controlled table within the product label. Make a repeat application 2-3 weeks later.
  • Application of Meso 4 SC Select to semidormant turf will cause bermudagrass whitening

  • Spot Applications: 2 gallons 1 gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. 1 teaspoon of Meso 4 SC with 3 teaspoons of NIS adjuvant like Alligare 90 Non-Ionic Surfactant .
  • Spot Application Restrictions: · DO NOT apply more than 16 oz. of Meso 4 SC Select per acre per year or per crop (equivalent to 0.5 lb. mesotrione per acre per year), whichever is shorter.
Shipping Restrictions N/A
More Instructions

Turfgrass Use Restrictions:

  • DO NOT overspray or allow spray to drift to ornamentals or flower beds and gardens. Roses and daylilies are particularly sensitive to Meso 4 SC Select.
  • DO NOT apply more than 16 oz. (or 0.50 lb. mesotrione per acre per year) per acre per year or per crop whichever is shorter.
  • DO NOT plant any crop other than turfgrass for 18 months post-application of Meso 4 SC Select to avoid turfgrass injury.
  • DO NOT apply organophosphate or carbamate insecticides within 7 days of applying Meso 4 SC Select.
  • DO NOT apply Meso 4 SC Select through any type of irrigation system.
  • DO NOT make aerial applications.
  • DO NOT use treated clippings to mulch trees or vegetable/flower gardens.
  • DO NOT apply this product on Bentgrass, Poa annua, kikuyugrass, zoysiagrass seashore paspalum, and bermudagrass plant injury is unacceptable. Maintain a 5-foot buffer between treated areas and bentgrass or Poa annua greens.
  • DO NOT apply over the top of exposed roots of trees and ornamentals.
  • DO NOT use on golf course putting greens; maintain a minimum of a 5-foot buffer between putting greens and treated areas.
  • DO NOT make broadcast applications on residential lawns for pre- and post-emergent weed control unless the home lawn is being reseeded and/or renovated as whitening of some turfgrasses may occur.

Product Videos

Prime Source Meso 4SC Select
Pre-Emergents (Spring Application)
Properly Mixing Herbicides

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