Ranger Pro with 41 % Glyphosate and a surfactant is a systemic herbicide that moves from the foliage to the root system. Ranger Pro with 41% Glyphosate has the same active ingredient as the well known Roundup.
As an alternative to glyphosate herbicides, you can choose glufosinate active ingredient . Glufosinate is another broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide that comes from soil bacteria. Often sold as ammonia salt, it is a contact herbicide with no soil residual.
Product Information
Ranger Pro Herbicide -2.5 Gallon
Ranger Pro, with 41 % Glyphosate and a surfactant, is a systemic herbicide that moves from the foliage to the root system. Ranger Pro, with 41% Glyphosate, has the same active ingredient as the well-known Roundup.
It is a post-spectrum and post-emergent herbicide used to kill many perennial and annual weeds, woody brush, and trees. It is non-selective, so be careful to spray away from desirable plants.
Ranger Pro has no soil activity (no residual activity), so weeds must have emerged for effectiveness. Ensure your weeds are at a proper growth stage for best control. See label for details.
As an alternative to glyphosate herbicides, you can choose glufosinate active ingredient . Glufosinate is another broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide that comes from soil bacteria. Often sold as ammonia salt, it is a contact herbicide with no soil residual.
Visible Effects
Visible effects can be seen after spraying Ranger Pro in 2-4 days on most annual weeds and seven days or more on perennial weeds. There will be a gradual wilting and yellowing of the plant. Extremely cloudy or cool weather may delay the activity of Ranger Pro.
If there is heavy rainfall after application, it may wash this liquid herbicide off the foliage. Repeat application.