Revenge Pantry Pest Moth Traps are powerful pantry pest traps to place in areas where pantry moths appear. They will attract Indian meal moths, Mediterranean flour moth, almond moths and raisin moths. The traps are odorless and not-toxic so they can be safely placed next to foodstuffs.
When it comes to Revenge Pantry Moth Traps, like these pheromone moth traps, using more traps is not the best scenario. More than 2 or 3 moth traps in an average size room can get so much pheromone scent in the air that the male moths are confused and have trouble locating the traps. Also, if you purchase a large number of the traps, make
sure you refrigerate the traps. This will extend the life of the pheromone with these moth traps.
Product Information
Revenge Pantry Pest Moth Traps( One box- 2 traps/2 lures)
The Revenge Pantry Pest Trap is a powerful pantry pest trap that attracts and captures pantry pests (Indian meal moth, Mediterranean flour moth, almond moth and raisin moth). These moths are found in flour, rice, crackers, dog food, bird seed and cereals. Revenge Pantry Pest Moth Traps traps are odorless and not-toxic so they can be safely placed next to foodstuffs are odorless and not-toxic so they can be safely placed next to foodstuffs.
Here's How Revenge Pantry Pest Moth Traps Work
Each Revenge Pantry Pest Trap uses a special moth pheromone (sex lure) that excites male moths. By trapping male moths, mating is disrupted and egg laying ceases. Continued use of the traps ensures any earlier laid eggs will be caught when they emerge as adults. Using pantry pest traps can also alert you to a future infestation; you can catch it in an early stage of infestation.
Easy to Use
Remove both traps and set up each one. Place where pantry bugs and moths are seen. Locations can include basement, pantry, kitchen or other food storage areas. Select a site with good air circulation but away from foot traffic. Keep away from children.
These traps are non-toxic and odorless traps that capture pantry moths over a 3-month period.
They are ideal for kitchens, cupboards, pet food storage and birdseed.
These traps will capture indian meal moths, mediterranean flour moths, almond moths and raisin moths.
How To Get Rid Of Pantry Moths
Look for signs of pantry moths, like the Indian Meal Moth or Mediterranean flour moth in your pantry and food cabinets
They are ideal for kitchens, cupboards, pet food storage and birdseed
Once the packet is opened, the lure last for 1-3 months
( Keep packets sealed and refrigerate for prolonged storage)
Remove both traps and set up only 1 per room
Place where pantry bugs and moths are seen. Locations can include basement, pantry, kitchen or other food storage areas. Select a site with good air circulation but away from foot traffic.