
InVite Multi Insect Lure + Insect glue boards

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InVite Multi Insect Lure + Insect  glue boards
InVite Multi Insect Lure + Insect glue boards
Total: $0.00

InVite Multi Insect Lure + 12 Trapper Monitor & Insect glue boards

Target Insects:
Beetles : Cigarette, Warehouse, Khapra, Flour, Saw-Toothed Grain, Drugstore and other beetles.
Moths: Indian Meal, Almond, Tobacco, Mediterranean Flour, Cacao, Raisin and other Ephestia Moths

1 tube of Invite Multi Insect Lure (six 3 cc doses), cotton balls and 12 Trapper Insect & Monitor Traps

Product Information

InVite Multi Insect Lure + 12 Trapper Monitor & Insect Glue Boards

Target Insects:
Beetles : Cigarette, Warehouse, Khapra, Flour, Saw-Toothed Grain, Drugstore and other beetles.
Moths: Indian Meal, Almond, Tobacco, Mediterranean Flour, Cacao, Raisin and other Ephestia Moths

1 tube of Invite Multi Insect Lure (six 3 cc doses), cotton balls and 12 Trapper Insect & Monitor Traps

More Information

Packaging N/A
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest Beetles : Cigarette, Warehouse, Khapra, Flour, Saw-Toothed Grain, Drugstore and other beetles.
Moths: Indian Meal, Almond, Tobacco, Mediterranean Flour, Cacao, Raisin and other Ephestia Moths
Active Ingredient(s) N/A
For Use In N/A
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A

Use Directions-  InVite Multi Insect Lure For Beetles and Moths - Use with scent free glue boards

  • Peel off release paper from glue trap.
  • Place a Cotton Ball (included with the InVite Multi Insect Lure on the center of the Glueboard. Carefully squeeze the desired dose of the InVite Multi Insect Lure onto the center of the Cotton Ball.
  • Place the glue trap with the cotton balls in any orientation (it's not necessary to keep it horizontal) and secure it if needed using Hercules Putty, Liquid Nails, double-sided tape, screws, nails, Velcro, Dual-Lock, wire or construction adhesive.
  • Place Glue Boards with the cotton balls in areas where grain products are stored, particularly in areas that provide both food and harborage for pests. The InVite Multi Insect Lure will remain active for 60-90 days (longer in cool areas). Place traps about every 30 feet, or closer in areas with lots of readily available food
Not Available for Purchase In N/A

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