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Mouse Glue Boards

Unlock the power of professional-grade pest prevention with our premium mouse glue boards. Designed with precision, these glue boards for mice are the ultimate DIY solution to keep unwanted critters at bay. Say goodbye to those pesky rodents and hello to a mouse-free environment. Shop mouse trap glue boards from DIY Pest Control and take control of your space with our reliable and efficient products.

Mouse Glue Traps are hugely popular in the commercial establishments and warehouses. They are useful where snap traps are discouraged or prohibited.

They may be used in multiple locations and are very economical.

Always place mouse glue boards in dust free locations.

Glue traps for mice : Trapper Max Glue Boards and Trapper Max Free Glue Boards, Victor Tin Cat Replacement Glue Boards and Trapper LTD Insect and Mouse Glue Boards

Continue Reading : Mouse Control with Glue Boards

Trapping Mice With Glue

Trapping mice is one of the methods of getting rid of your mice population. The other method is using a high-quality rodent bait. Whichever method is chosen, make sure to use plenty trap placements or plenty of rodent bait placements to be effective. The most common mistake in trapping mice or rats is using too few traps. Place out more traps than you think you need. You can not put out too many. There are several types of mouse traps, such as glue traps, snap traps, and multiple mice traps.

Advantages and Disadvantages Of Glue Traps

Advantages: Glue board mouse traps are a very useful tool whenever mechanical traps or poison baits are not a good option. Glue traps are generally cost less than snap traps or multiple mice traps and are considered cost-effective. You catch a lot for your bucks. Mice do not readily escape from the stickiness of glue traps. Snap traps can be dangerous to pets and children unless you have them in tamper-proof bait stations. The use of rodenticides or snap traps may not be an option in a given situation.  Locations such as food processing plants, warehouses, kitchens, hospitals, veterinarians, kennels, etc may benefit from glue traps. Glue traps are safe and poisonless.

Disadvantages: If you are looking for a humane way of trapping mice, glue traps are not one of them. Instead choose a nonwinding mouse trap, such as Victor Tin Cat, Little Pete, or Kness Tip Top Mice Traps.

Types of Mouse Glue Traps

There are two basic types of glue board traps for mice. The first is the plastic mouse glue tray. The second is the cardboard mouse glue board. We prefer the cardboard variety because they lay very flat and the mouse can easily step on them. Keep in mind that a plastic mouse glue tray that is only an ¼ inch high looks very flat to us. To a mouse, however, it can almost be an obstacle, and often times the mouse will detour around it. Another big advantage of the cardboard trap is that it can be folded into a tunnel. This tent-like shape keeps the dust and debris off the glue surface in order to maintain stickiness. This will easily double or triple the useful life of the glue trap.

Glue Trap Placement

As it is with poison baits and snap traps, placement is critical to the successful use of glue board traps. Place the glue board traps along known rodent pathways when possible. Mice have relatively poor vision; they like to stay close to walls. Placing glue board traps behind appliances and furniture is a good idea as well because they seek shelter behind such items. Many of the glue board traps such as the Trapper Max Glue Boards are pre-baited, so there is no need to put food on them to attract mice. I do not like peanut butter as bait because it is oily and may help mice escape from the glue. In addition, peanut butter can attract family pets as well as ants and roaches. Provoke Mouse Attractant is not as likely to attract insects and pets and does not try out as quickly.

Glue Board Traps and Pets

Oh my goodness!!! Fluffy got into the glue trap, and it's stuck to her fur! What do I do? Well, it's messy, but cooking oil and a little patience can release the glue and then soap and water can remove the cooking oil. If fluffy is a cat then good luck with the soap and water part. I have tried to bathe my cat (and I have the scars to prove it). With pets around a good option is to find a box slightly larger than the glue trap. Cut holes at each end of the box; make it large enough for a mouse to enter. I make them about 1½ inches in diameter. Place the glue board trap inside and use a small piece of tape to close the lid. Now position it against the wall. You have just made a wonderful pet-proof glue trap holder.

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