Akari 5 SC Miticide/Insecticide is a professional greenhouse and nursery product that stops the feeding activity of mites. Akari 5 SC is effective in stopping the two-spotted spider mite in all of its stages. It is most effective on the larvae stage, followed by nymphs, adults and eggs. This miticide works primarily as a contact miticide and stops the laying of eggs. Mites will die in 4-7 days which will minimize damage to crops. Akari 5 SC also provides residual control for 21-28 days.
Akari 5 SC Miticide/Insecticide is a professional greenhouse and nursery product that stops the feeding activity of mites. Akari 5 SC is effective in stopping the two-spotted spider mite in all of its stages. It is most effective on the larvae stage, followed by nymphs, adults and eggs.This miticide works primarily as a contact miticide and stops the laying of eggs. Mites will die in 4-7 days which will minimize damage to crops. Akari 5 SC also provides residual control for 21-28 days.
Mode Of Action
Akari 5 SC Miticide/Insecticide with Fenpyroximate works by blocking the cell respiration of the pest that causes it to lose motor control and collapse. It also causes inhibition of molting as is seen in insect growth regulators. Mites become paralyzed on the leaf or during their spinning prior to their knockdown and death. This paralysis and spin down behavior produces an immediate cessation of feeding.
EPA Reduced-Risk Classification
Akari 5 SC Miticide, with Fenpyroximate, has an EPA reduced-risk classification for plant safety. There is a 12-hour REI (Restricted Entry Interval) and is gentle to beneficial insects such as the ladybug, lacewing, parasitic wasps predacious spiders and others.
General Use, Tips and Rotation
Akari remains persistent under overhead irrigation, under sunlight and high temperatures. Akari should be rotated with other miticides for season long protection. Akari's label limits spray applications to no more than two per growing season. A good spray coverage is essential since Akari works primarily through contact action. Adjust spray volume for use on dense foliage. The use of an adjuvant non-ionic surfactant, like Agrisel's Agrifac Pro, maximizes uniformity of coverage for better performance of Akari. For best results, spray plants when pest populations are building and are immature. If mite conditions are severe, use a shorter spray interval and maximum spray rates.
Featured Benefits
Time To Kill: 4 to 7 days
Stops the damage immediately upon application by paralyzing the mites
Contact Miticide
Effective on all stages of two-spotted mites
Most effective on larvae, followed by nymphs, adults and eggs.
Greenhouse and nursery ornamnetals, greenhouse cucumbers, greenhouse tomatoes, nonbearing fruit trees and vines, Christmas trees, and interior ornamental plantings and plantscapes.
Use rates : 16-24 oz per 100 gallons of spray; 0.16 -0.24 oz per gallon
Spray for a complete coverage; apply as a foliar spray.
Allow 14 days between applications; no more than two applications per crop cycle.