Talpirid Mole Bait
Starting at $59.95

We do not accept returns for this product. Talpirid may melt during transport in hot weather in southern regions. It can be reshaped to resemble worms without losing its active ingredients if melting occurs. A good alternative in the summer months would be Talpirid Mole Trap
Product Information
*We do not accept returns for this product!* Talpirid may melt during transport in hot weather in southern regions (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas). It can be reshaped to resemble worms without losing its active ingredients if melting occurs.
Why Talpirid Mole Bait Is Top Rated
Talpirid Mole Bait is a mole bait designed, developed, and scientifically proven to kill moles. After much research and development, Bell Labs has manufactured Talpirid Mole Bait to closely resemble the earthworm (the mole's preferred food source). Talpird Mole Bait is also the only mole bait on the market that has submitted tests to the EPA with laboratory efficacy tests on moles.
Ready to use Talpirid Mole Bait has a unique size, shape, and feel that mimics a mole's natural food source, the earthworm, and its active ingredient capitalizes on a mole's physiology. Talpirid Mole Bait has achieved outstanding acceptance and control in field and laboratory tests.
Outdoors and underground:
Create a hole in the top of each active tunnel using a rod slightly larger than the bait's diameter. Place a single worm into the tunnel and use the rod to ensure any exposed bait is completely inserted. Carefully cover the tunnel opening with a small amount of soil to block out light.
Repeat this baiting procedure every 5 to 10 feet along each active subsurface tunnel.
Selection of Treatment Areas
Establish Initial Activity:
To determine if moles are present, gently puncture holes in subsurface runways using your finger, a small wooden dowel, or a narrow rod. Take care not to collapse the runways. Mark the locations of the tunnels and check them again after 48 to 72 hours. If the holes have been resealed within this time, it indicates recent activity, and those tunnels should be baited.
Moles create subsurface runways characterized by raised ridges of soil and vegetation where they forage just below the surface. These ridges become more noticeable when the grass above them turns yellow. Additionally, conical mounds of earth may indicate the location of the main underground runways used by moles for travel and nesting.
Conical Mounds:
Moles create deeper tunnels underground that aren't visible from the surface. These tunnel systems often result in conical mounds, which are piles of dirt typically 4 to 12 inches high. These mounds form when moles push dirt to the surface while constructing tunnels. Use a probe, such as a broom handle, to locate these deep tunnels between mounds. When the probe enters a tunnel, you'll feel a sudden decrease in resistance.
Deep Tunnels:
To bait deep tunnels, insert one Talpirid worm through the probe hole and use the probe to ensure the bait is fully inserted into the tunnel. Cover the hole with sod, a small rock, or a newspaper for easy inspection. Repeat baiting every 5 to 10 feet along each active deep tunnel and within 5 feet of each active conical mound.
Evaluate the treatment's effectiveness 5 to 7 days after applying the bait using the same method to locate tunnels. If necessary, revisit after 48 to 72 hours to treat any remaining active tunnel systems.
Packaging | N/A |
Product Label | Talpirid Mole Bait Label |
Safety Data Sheet | Talpirid Mole Bait SDS |
More PDF's | N/A |
Target Pest | Moles. This revolutionary mole bait mimics the mole's natural food, the earthworm. Plus, it contains special enhancers that attract moles. It is not designed for Gophers or Voles. |
Active Ingredient(s) | Bromethalin 0.025% |
For Use In | Outdoors and underground. |
Yield | One Talpirid box (20 worms) provides two standard treatments. The bait in a sealed, unopened box can last up to 1 year in a controlled environment. Once opened, use within 15 days. |
Mixture | Create a hole at the top of the runway slightly larger than the bait's diameter. Using gloved hands, insert one worm into the opening and ensure any exposed bait is pushed entirely into the runway. |
Application | Application Guideline |
Retreatment | As needed |
More Instructions | DETERMINING BAITING RESULTS: Five (5) to 7 days after bait application, check for mole activity using the same procedure for determining initial activity. Return 48 to 72 hours later and retreat all active runs. If Talpirid doesn't appear effective, consider the following factors: