Advance Carpenter Ant Bait is a protein-based bait. Carpenter Ants will forage and feed on two types of bait, a sugar-based bait and a protein-based bait. Maxforce Fleet Bait is a sugar-based bait. It would provide a complementary solution to baiting carpenter ants on a sugar cycle. Place out honey or a sweet product to see if they are going for a sugar-based product if in doubt of the current cycle the carpenter ants are on.
Product Information
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait
Advance Carpenter Bait combines the active ingredient abamectin with a mixture of foods in a bait combo. Abamectin is a delayed action insecticide, giving the foraging-worker ants a chance to get it back to the queen(s) of the colony. This bait also reduces the worker population, which can cause a reduction and elimination of the ant colony. Abamectin B1 interferes with the ant's nervous system; it starts affecting the ant colony within 24 hours. Do not spray a repellent chemical on or near this product as with all insect baits. The use of a non-repellent pesticide works well.
The Advance Carpenter Ant bait is essentially a protein-based bait. Ants will choose either a sugar-based bait or a protein-based bait. We suggest using a sugar-based bait such as Maxforce Fleet Ant Gel in combination with the Advance Carpenter Bait.
Carpenter Ants and many common varieties of ants such as Acrobat, Argentine, Bigheaded, Crazy, Field, Fire, Harvester, Lasius, Little Black, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh, and Thief Ants
Active Ingredient(s)
Abamectin B1 ...0.011%
For Use In
Commercial and Other Structures, Food Storage Areas, Golf Courses, Homes,
Hotels, Inedible Product Areas of Meat Packing Plants, Lawns, Motels, Non-food/feed Areas of Commercial
Buildings, Non-occupied Patient Areas of Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Parks, Residential Areas, Schools,
Supermarkets, Turf, and Warehouses
Begin to look for such signs as trails, wet wood, frass. Inspection at sunset or early morning is the best time for carpenter ant inspection. For more details and how to inspect for carpenter ants, go to:Â Carpenter Ant Inspection.
Broadcast Application-Broadcast Advance Carpenter Ant Bait at a rate of 1 lb per acre or 0.4 oz per 1,0000 sq ft or 1.8 oz per 5,000 sq ft. Spread the bait as uniformly as possible.
Around Structures-Â Around the foundation of structures, sprinkle 0.3 oz per 100 linear ft in a band about 1-2 feet wide. If you see visible trails, spread about 1 oz along the path.
Individual Colony Treatment-Use 1.5 to 3 ounces of product per colony.