4 Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Roaches
If you're like most people, the shocking sight of a cockroach makes your skin crawl. And if you've ever had the trouble of dealing with an infestation, you know just how challenging they can be to completely get rid of. Unfortunately, many of us just don't know where to start, and it can be easy to panic about what to do next. You may be tempted to go overboard with spraying or splurge and spend more money than is necessary by hiring a professional. This blog post will outline four easy steps that will help you get rid of cockroaches for good!
Identifying The Cockroaches
The primary cockroaches you'll run into in the United States are German and American roaches. German roaches are small, brown, and have two dark stripes running down their backs. They're known to be one of the most challenging cockroaches to get rid of and are often found in kitchens near food sources. American roaches are larger, reddish-brown, and can fly. They're typically found in basements or near other moisture sources like pipes or drains. This variety of cockroach is roughly 1.5 inches or longer. Fortunately, American cockroaches usually don't spread disease like the German roaches. Once you've identified which type of cockroach you're dealing with, you can move on to the next step.
Inspecting Cockroach Infested Areas
The best way to get rid of cockroaches is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. But if you're already grappling with an infestation, it's essential to take the time to inspect and identify all of the areas they're living and hiding in. This will help you determine how serious the problem is and where you need to focus your efforts. Cockroaches typically like dark, moist places, so be sure to check under sinks, in cabinets, near drains, or anywhere else that fits this description.
German cockroaches typically scurry over your kitchen counter when you turn on a light. If you see larger roaches that look like they've been coming in from outside, you're likely dealing with American cockroaches, which will need a different treatment plan. Be sure to inspect window and door frames for seal issues and gaps that roaches may be entering from. You'll also want to rigorously inspect the exterior of the home for any passages, such as pipes where roaches may enter your home. Once you've located all of the potential hideouts, you can move on to the next step.
Cockroach Sanitation
Sanitation is key to getting rid of cockroaches. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources, so the first step is to remove any potential attractants from your home. This means keeping food in sealed containers, cleaning up spills and crumbs immediately, taking out the trash regularly, and washing dishes after meals. Be sure to keep pet food safely sealed away. You'll also want to declutter your home as much as possible to eliminate hiding places for cockroaches. Once you've eliminated potential food sources, you can move on to the next step.
Getting Rid Of Cockroaches
Once you've taken the necessary steps to prevent cockroaches from entering your home and eliminated potential food sources, it's time to focus on getting rid of the cockroaches that are already there. There are a wide variety of easy methods you can use, but we recommend starting with baits and insect growth regulators (IGRs). How you treat the roaches will depend on whether you have an American or German cockroach infestation.
For German roaches, you'll want to use a combination of insecticides, insect growth regulators, and a contact and flushing aerosol spray. Our German roach control selection contains everything you need to get started, including Advion WDG, Tekko Pro, and Stryker 54.
For American Roaches, you're in luck, as they are a lot easier to treat than German roaches. You'll want to use insecticide sprays, insect baits, and insecticide dusts to get rid of American roaches. We recommend a good indoor/outdoor spray like Demon WP, quality baits such as InVict Xpress Granular Bait or Intice 10 Perimeter Bait, and insecticide dust like D-Fense Dust.
Do-It-Yourself Pest Control Is Here To Help
If you're looking for more information on how to get rid of cockroaches or other pests, be sure to check out our pest control blog, our learning center or contact us for expert advice. Our team is always happy to help!