
Esplanade 200 SC-Qt

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Esplanade 200 SC-Qt
Esplanade 200 SC-Qt
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Esplanade 200 SC is a pre-emergent herbicide with Indaziflam 19.05%. It has a low use rate and long residual (up to 8 months) on more than 75 weed species. It has a superior broad-spectrum control for more than 75 types of weeds. Esplanade 200 SC by Bayer was developed for the Vegetation Management Market finding uses on non-residential sites such as industrial sites, roadsides, utility rights of way, and railroads. Esplanade 200 SC may be used as a bare ground herbicide.

Product Information

Esplanade 200 SC-Qt

Esplanade 200 SC is a pre-emergent bare-ground herbicide with Indaziflam 19.05%. It has a low use rate and long residual (up to 8 months) on more than 75 weed species. It has a superior broad-spectrum control for more than 75 types of weeds. Esplanade 200 SC by Bayer was developed for the Vegetation Management Market finding uses on non-residential sites such as industrial sites, roadsides, utility rights of way, and railroads. Esplanade 200 SC may be used as a bare ground herbicide.

Mode of Action

Indaziflam either inhibits or prevents cellulose biosynthesis in the cell wall of the plant. It reduces the emergence of seedlings. Yellowing or necrosis occurs if Esplanade 200 SC is applied to leaves and green stems. It needs to be activated with rainfall (0.25 inches) within a couple of weeks for best results.

Top Features

  • Up to 8 months residual control even under the most difficult conditions on more than 75 weed species.
  • Unique mode of action helps manage herbicide resistance on key weeds
  • Odorless and non-staining to surfaces
  • Minimal PPE requirement as compared to traditional IVM herbicides
  • Low use rates – up to 60 times less active ingredient on the ground delivers a more sustainable solution
  • Fewer applications result in reduced costs
Packaging N/A
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet MSDS
More PDF's Esplanade Reference Guide
Target Pest
  • Broadleaf weeds: Horseweed/marestail, kochia, pigweeds, Russian thistle, yellow starthistle
  • Grassy weeds: Barnyardgrass, annual bromegrasses, crabgrasses (Digitaria spp.), foxtails, goosegrass, Italian ryegrass, sprangletop, tufted lovegrass, annual sedges
  • See list for complete list
Active Ingredient(s) Indaziflam - 19.05%
For Use In Non-residential non-crop areas, railroad and rail yards, managed roadsides, fence rows, utilities, hardscapes, industrial, municipal, and government sites.
Yield 3-7 oz per acre
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In N/A

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