
Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz )

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Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz )
Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz )
Special Price $69.26 Regular Price $72.50
Total: $0.00

Quinclorac 1.5 L with Quinclorac 17.79% is comparable to Drive XLR8 herbicide with 18.92% and is an excellent crabgrass killer. It is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that is superior in crabgrass control. It also treats a broad variety of other grasses and broadleaf weeds. It may be applied in residential or non-residential areas, parks, golf courses, athletic fields and many more locations.


  1. DIY One Gallon Power Sprayer (Rechargeable)
  2. +
  3. MSO -Methylated Seed Oil Surfactant
  4. +
  5. Hi-Yield Weed & Feed 15-0-10
  6. +
  7. ShuBee Black Gauntlet Silver Edition Black Nitrile Gloves
Total: $0.00
Bundle Price: $0.00
  • This item: Quali-Pro Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz ) $69.26
  • DIY One Gallon Power Sprayer (Rechargeable) $24.95
  • Southern AG MSO-Methylated Seed Oil Surfactant-QT $21.50
  • Hi-Yield Weed & Feed 15-0-10 $33.99
  • Black Nitrile 5 Mil Gloves Large Size (5 Pairs) $5.50

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
Quinclorac is the "go to" product for killing crabgrass. It is safe for most grasses but don't use it on St. Augustinegrass or on Centipedegrass. If you really want to get the most out of it I would recommend using a surfactant that contains methylated seed oil (MSO). Check out Southern Ag's MSO, it comes in a quart size and is very affordable.

Product Information

Quali Pro's Quinclorac 1.5 L (64 oz)

Quinclorac 1.5 L with Quinclorac 17.79% is comparable to Drive XLR8 herbicide with 18.92%, and is an excellent crabgrass killer. It is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that is superior in crabgrass control. It also treats a broad variety of other grasses and broadleaf weeds. It may be applied in residential or non-residential areas, parks, golf courses, athletic fields and many more locations.

Manufacture recommends a surfactant such as Dyn-Amic Surfactant combined with Quinclorac.

Broadcast Applications

  • Broadcast: 1.45 oz per 1,000 square feet or 64 oz per acre
  • Spot Applications: 1.45 oz per 1,000 square feet

Mode of Action

Quinclorac 1.5 is absorbed by the foliage and roots and travels throughout the entire plant. Visible signs of symptoms include stem and leaf twisting and chlorosis. The susceptible grasses will redden and stunted growth followed by necrosis and death.


Apply Quinclorac 1.5 L to actively growing weeds as a spot spray or broadcast spray to turfs listed in Table 1

Table 1. Turf Tolerance (Established)
Highly Tolerant Moderately Tolerant Susceptible (Will kill these grasses-Do Not Use )
Bermudagrass, common1
Bluegrass, annual
Bluegrass, Kentucky
Fescue, tall
Ryegrass, annual
Ryegrass, perennial
Bentgrass, creeping1
Bermudagrass, hybrid1
Bluegrass, rough
(Poa trivialis)
Fescue, Chewing’s
Fescue, fine2
Fescue, hard
Fescue, red
Paspalum, seashore
Bentgrass, colonial
Bentgrass, seaside
St. Augustinegrass
1 Yellowing that occurs on these species can be reduced by of sprayable solution of soluble nitrogen fertizier or chelated iron. (see APPLICATION INFORMATION and ADDITION OF ADJUVANTS sections of the product label). 2 Apply QUINCLORAC 1.5 L herbicide to fine fescue only when it is part of a blend. Not to be applied on golf course greens and collars. Consult Table 4 in the label. See the chart on seeding/overseeding/Sprigging Timing for this scenario.
Packaging 64 oz
Product Label Quinclorac 1.5 Label
Safety Data Sheet Quinclorac 1.5 SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest


  • Crabgrass (large and smooth)
  • Foxtail (giant, green & yellow)
  • Kikuyugrass
  • Signalgrass (broadleaf)
  • Torpedograss


Broadleaf Weeds:

  • Bindweed (field)
  • Clover (hop, red & white)
  • Daisy (english)
  • Dandelion
  • Dollarweed
  • Geranium (Carolina)
  • Morningglory spp
  • Speedwell (common, slender &



Active Ingredient(s) Quinclorac 17.79% (17.79% Dimethylamin salt of quinclorac liquid )
For Use In Residential and Non-Residential Turfgrass, Golf Course, Sod Farms
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A

Broadcast Applications

  • Broadcast: 1.45 oz per 1,000 square feet or 64 oz per acre
  • Spot Applications: 1.45 oz per 1,000 square feet
Not Available for Purchase In Ca
Special Price 69.26

Product Videos

Crabgrass Control & Prevention
What is a Surfactant?
Properly Mixing Herbicides

Frequently Asked Questions


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