
Southern AG 2,4-D Amine

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Southern Ag  2,4-D Amine (Qt)
Southern Ag 2,4-D Amine (Qt)
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Product Information

Southern AG 2,4-D Amine

Cost-effective for controlling weeds and woody plants, Southern AG 2,4-D Amine can be used in areas like turf, pastures, rangeland, ditch banks, fences, and more, with a requirement of only 1 to 4 pints per acre.

Southern AG 2,4-D Amine has a concentrated formula of 3.8 pounds of 2,4-D acid per gallon, delivered in a low-volatile amine form.

Rate: 2- 3 tablespoons in 3 - 5 gallons of water to cover 1,000 sq. ft.


  • Use of 1-4 pints per acre; low and economical use rate.
  • Controls many broadleaf weeds & woody plants (See label for a complete list)
  • Works in turf, rangeland, pastures, fences and ditch banks.
  • 3.8 lbs. per gallon 2, 4-D acid equivalent liquid concentrate in a low volatile amine form.
Packaging Qt
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest
  • This product is recommended for numerous broadleaf weeds and certain 2,4-D susceptible woody plants without injury to most established grasses.
  • A partial list of weeds controlled: Beggarticks, Bitterweed, Blueweed Texas, Broomweed, Buckwheat Wild, Burdock, Burhead, Carpetweed, Catnip, Chicory, Cocklebur, Coffeeweed, Cornflower, Croton, Dandelion, Docks, Dogfennel, Fanweed, Galinsoga, Garlic (Wild), Goatsbeard, Halogeton, Hemp (Wild), Jewelweed, Jimsonweed, Kochia, Lambsquarter, Mallow Venice, Marshelder, Mildvetch, Morningglory (Annual), Mustards, Nettles, Onion (Wild), Pennycress, Pepperweed (Field), Pigweed, Plantains, Poorjoe, Radish (Wild), Ragweed, Rape (Wild), Redstem, Salsify, Shepherdspurse, Sicklepod, Smartweed, Smartweed Bitter, Sowthistle (Annual), Spanishneedles, Sunflower, Sweetclo- ver, Tansymustard, Tansyragwort, Thistle Bull, Thistle Musk, Thistle Russian, Velvetleaf, Vervains, Vetch, Water Plantain, Witchweed, Wormwood, Yellow Rocket, Yellow Starthistle.
Active Ingredient(s) Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-D-Dichlorophe noxyacetic acid 46.8%
For Use In

For broadleaf weed control in: Pastures, Rangeland, Lawns, Golf Courses, Cemeteries, Parks, and similar Ornamental Turf, for Fences, Ditchbanks, Roadsides, Industrial Sites and other listes sites


Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
  • Fill the spray tank halfway, then add the required amount of this product and continue filling the tank with the remaining water and agitate. 
  • Apply Southern AG  2,4-D Amine during warm weather (broadleaf weeds or brush are actively growing). Avoid treatment during drought periods. To minimize spray drift, apply at a low pressure.
  • Apply enough spray volume to provide uniform coverage of weeds and brush, usually 5 to 20 gallons water per acre
  • Spot Treatment: 2-3 tablespoons for broadleaf control in non-cropland areas. Add a surfactant for better coverage. Use 4 pts per acre for moderately susceptible biennial and perennial broadleaf weeds.
  • See label for more instructions.
Not Available for Purchase In CA,NY,CT,AK,PR

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