Southern AG Atrazine
Starting at $20.39
Product Information
Southern Ag Atrazine- St Augustine Weed Killer
Southern Ag Atrazine with 4.0% atrazine controls many broadleaf weeds (emerged and from seeds) in St. Augustine and Centipede grass. It controls Florida Betony, Spurweed, Annual Bluegrass and many other problematic weeds. It also suppresses crabgrass.
- 1 qt covers 3,700 sq. ft
- 1 Gallon covers 14,800 sq. ft
Application Rates-Spurweed, Florida Betony, Dichondra Moneywort
Area For Treatment |
Amount of Atrazine |
Min amount of water |
100 sq ft | 5 teaspoons | 1 qt |
500 sq ft | 4.3 fl oz | 1 gallon |
2,000 sq ft | 1.1 pt | 4 gallons |
Application Rates-Annual Bluegrass, Dollarweed, Sandspur, Spruge, Woodsorrel, and various clovers and other listed weeds
Area For Treatment |
Amount of Atrazine |
Min amount of water |
500 sq ft | 4.3 fl oz | 1 gallon |
3,720 sq ft | 32 fl oz | 7.4Â gallons |
Application Tips
- Avoid spray drift and avoid desirable plants.
- Do not apply when temperatures are above 90 degrees F
- Apply Southern Ag Atrazine only on healthy turfgrass.
- Overdosing will cause damage, so do not overlap or use hose-end sprayers.
- See label for compete instructions and restrictions
Established St. Augustine and Centipede Grass
For best results, apply Southern Ag Atrtazine in early spring or dormant times when weeds are small or haven' t emerged. Irrigation or rain within a couple of days may decrease the effectiveness of Atrazine. However rain or irrigation within 7 days is necessary for control of weeds from seeds.
Spurweed : Apply in December /January for newly emerged Spurweed for best results.
Florida Betony: Use Atrazine on this weed in the fall (mid to late Oct); follow up with second application in Feb (mid-late Febuary).
Dichondra, Moneywort: Best time to apply this product is in early April and a follow up second application in July.
Packaging | Qt and Gallon |
Product Label | Southern AG Atrazine Label |
Safety Data Sheet | Southern AG Atrazine SDS |
More PDF's | Product Sales Sheet |
Target Pest | Weeds Controlled or Suppressed
Active Ingredient(s) | Atrazine - 4.00% |
For Use In | St. Augustine Grass and Centipede Grass |
Yield | Qt covers 3,700 sq. ft., One gallon will treat 14,816 sq. ft. |
Mixture | N/A |
Not Available for Purchase In | AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC,DE, HI, IL, IN, IO, KS, ME, MD, MA, MI, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, SD,UT, VT, WA, WV WI or WY |